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J. R. H ANI FY co.
C. L. "Charlie" Burnett, ex-mayor of Exeter and president of the Burnett-Carr Lumber Co., of that city, with Mrs. Burnett and family spent a couple of weeks visiting in San Francisco, during late July and early August. While in the Bay District, he called on many of his lumbermen friends.
(Continued from Page 33) was more responsible for bringing the 36th convention to Miami this year than any other person.
Earl Harper, chairman of the finance committee, is vicepresident of the Florida Lumber & Millwork Association and one of the most popular lumbermen in Florida. Mr. Harper will begin immediately to raise funds for the entertainment at lVliami and his plan is to ask a subscription from each Hoo Hoo living in Florida. This is an AllFlorida matter and Miami members will not be asked to give any more than the members located elsewhere.
Excursion to Havana
Plans are also tentatively complete for an excursion to Havana, Cuba, Saturday, November 12, following the close of the 36th annual convention. A special round trip rate ot$27.5O from Miami to Havana has been secured from the Florida East Coast Railway and Peninsular & Occidental Steamship Company. An excursion train composed of all Pullman equipment will leave Miami at 2:30 a. m. Saturday morning, arriving at Key West at 8:30 a. m., and embark immediately on the magnificent P. & O. steamer for Hav-ana, arriving at 3:00 p. m. same day.
Headquarters in Havana will be made at the SevillaBiltmore Hotel, one of the finest of the McBowman chain, and rates at $3.25 single and five and six dollars per day double have been secured for all members of the Hoo Hoo party. These tickets will be good for ten days.