4 minute read
R. E. "Bob" Caldwell
fn 1906, "Bob" Caldnrcll hecded the "Go Wcst" call of Horace Crreelen cast a Iong glance toward Borough HaJt Brooklln, md the "Roarin' Forties', of N-Cw york City, and pulled out for California. He has been a residen't of the Golden State evcrr srnoe.
"Bob" was born in Brooklyn, New York. He atterrded school there and after c_ompleting his__!!S-h schoo_l c-ourse, matriculated at Wesleyan Univereity, at Middletown, Cotrnecticut. Whil,e at Wealeyan, he made quite a name for himsets jil eastern athlctic cincles by making both their football and baseball teams. He still retaine his intcrest in these two sparts.
His first expcrience in the lumber inductry on the Pacific Coast was in 1906. when he vras. emp.loyed. uy !-be union Lumber co. on their logging road survcy paf,ty. r-atcr he worked in their mill yard, scrving in all eight years withlhe company.
He then spent a year selling sawmill machinery, and says he irad a fine time, in his travels up and down the coast calling on the lumber tride. But hc was an*i6gs !l set bacF into the Redwood game, and in 1920 he joined the Little River Rcdwood Co. organization, making his headquarters in tlreir San Francisco office. He soerrt several years calling on the retail lumber trade in the Northern California terriiorv which includes the Sacrament-o and San Joasuin vafleys, Bay District ana Coajt Counties territo,rics. He is still connected with the company's Sin Francisco officc in the capacity of assistant sales manager.
"Bob" is well Lnown personally to the lumber trade of Catifornia. Hc ie a crcat booster for Redwood, h"q " pleasing_perso-nality,- is well equipped with br5ineca ab-i1ty, ?qtd always takes a keen intercst in all lurlber affairs. He is an actirrc member of Ho; Hoo and has serrrcd on the Bay District Nine.
rroop D nr lZZa
PLAN NO. 1228
Look this plan over carefully-note the distinctive details incorporated into the exterior. Ffow wonderfully well every feature harmonizes, then give serious consideration to the foor plan arrangement and decide today to show this plan to some contractor or prospective home builder. This special department of your business, if properly applied and advertised, will increase your sales.

Frank Connolly Back At His Desk Again
Frank Connolly, sales manager of the Western Hardwobd Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is back at his desk again after being confined to his'hom,e for a few weeks with a broken leg. He received the injury while playing hand ball. Ife states that the injury is improving nicely and that the cast will be removed in about thr,ee weeks.
Dorothy E. (Bunny) Bunnell, Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., Los Angeles, is enjoying her summer vacation at the beach resorts along the Southern California coagt. She also plans to spend a few days at Coronado during her sojourn. She rvill return to her desk soon after the middle of the month. Her mother is accompanying her on the trio.
Mlss Dorothy Povey was recently elected president of the Professional and Business Women's Club bf Portland. Oregon.
Miss Povey is a well-known lumberwoman of Portland, being the able assistant to Mr. Chas. W. Buckner, manlger of the sash, door and panel department of Morrill & Sturgeon Lumber Co.
Lumber Company Congratulated On Fine New Office
The Burbank Lumber Company isreceiving congratula- tions of their friends on their recent move int-o their beau- tiful and convenient new office building, which is located just below the old office, facing Olive Avenue.
Young chips from good old blocks keep on rejuvenating and aiming at the perpetuity of the millwork business.
A strong young "chip" from a strong old "block" has just taken a desk in an important department of The Pacific Door & Sash Company, in Hollywood.
He is Francis Nicholson, known familiarly to his friends as "Tat" Nicholson, son of Ed A. Nicholson. He graduated in June from Loyola College with his "AB" degree, and, after thirty days' vacation, he took upon himself a job. In college he was Editor of the Year Book, and in this capacity and in other publication work during his school years, he
Froncis Nicholson developed a strong taste for publicity and advertising matters. ,/
The Pacific Door & Sash Company took him on as NIana/ ger of their Publicity Department, and he is now engaged i-n going over the business of the concern, discovering the fundamental facts about their marketing and merchandising in order that he may apply them to the work of developing and intensifying business by intelligent merchandising efforts. He is very much enthused with his work.
In addition to other honors he was President of the Student Body at Loyola during his last year.
Open New Hardwood Yard At Los Angeles
The Pierce Hardwood Lumber Co. are a new entry in the Los Angeles District where they will carry on a general wholesale business in hardwood lumber. The company will be operated by I. W. Pierce and his son, A. R. Pierce. !hei5 yqld is located at 819 East 59th Street, Los Angeles. Mr. I. W. Pierce has been connected rvith the lumber-business for many years and formerly operated a manufacturing plant in the Middle West. Mr. A. R. Pierce is well known to the Southern California lumber trade and was formerly associated with the Meyer Lumber Co.
J. B. Dausman, manager of the Nelson Lumber Co., Oakland, is spending his vacation in Los Angeles and has been calling on many of his lumbermen friends in the Los Angeles District. Mr. Dausman has been connected with the lurnber business for a good many years and is well known to the lumber trade in California. He reports conditions in his section as satisfactory.
A. J. Russell, San Francisco, prominent member of the Bohemian Club and manager of the Santa Fe Lumber Co. attended the Bohemian Club Jinx at the Bohemian Grove during the week of July 30. He was back at his desk on August -8 ""-d reported that this year's event was largely attended and was an enjoyable afiair.