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WA I.{ T
(The Claring Hout)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is fon TheFellow Who Wants to Buy TheFellow Who Wants to Sell TheFellow Who Wants to Hire
Ratc: $2.s0 per cotwnn inch TheFellow Who Wants to Be Hired
Partner Wanted
Partner wanted in retail lumber business. Yard located in virgin territory about 100 miles from Los Angeles. At present time doing an excellent business. $6,000 required for investment. Address Box C-138, care California Lumber Merchant.
A thoroughly competent man to take a financial interest in and complete charge of manufacturing operations of one of the best located sawmills in the Pacific Northwest. Address: F. O., c-o California Lumber Merchant.
Contractors Wanted
There is an opening for two or more live contractors in a city of 6,000 population, Northern California. Work to be done is general construction, residence and farm buildings. Contractor should be able to finance himself and come well recommended. Address Box C-139, care California Lumber Nferchant.
FOR SALE-Well established retail will handle. Address Box C-136 c-o chant.
lumber yard. $30,000 Calif. Lumber Mer-
The office of the California Lumber Merchant is constantly receiving applications, from both men and women, desiring work with lumber concerna. Mogt of these have had previous lumber experience.
When you are in need of help of any kind, either office or yard, why not get the habit of calling us first and gtrins uE an opportunity to be of service to you as well as to those needing employment? There is no charge with trhis service, to employer or employee.
- The Blanchard Lumber Company, one of the pioneer firms of Lankershim, has erected two large buildings on their property north of their yards on Chandler B'oulevard and have received machinery and equipment for their new planing inill plant. They plan to turn out all kinds of mill work, interior finish, trim, window frames, and screens. A modern blower will dispose of all the shavings, sawdust and litter, eliminating the danger of fire.
Announce Removal Of General Offices
The Sterling Lumber Co. announce that they are moving their general offices, retail and wholesale departments to their new building, located at 32nd and Ettie Streets, Oakland. Their telephone number will be Oakland 195. The Sterling Lumber Co., who operate a string of retail yards in Northern California, formerly had their general offices in the Alexander Building, San Francisco.
Change In
The Century Lumber Co. bv L. S. Eastman, has been s6ll, and Johnson, who are the new company.
OIv\rNERSHIP of San Diego, formerly owned sold to Messers Walton, Ruslooking after management of
Use Rags For Making Building Materials
In the backyard of the million dollar plant of the Los Angeles Paper Manufacturing Company are great stacks of baled rags, gathered from nearly every country on the globe. As fast as a Z4-hour production schedule can assimilate them, they are sorted and put through the various processes necessary to the manufacture of high grade building and roofing felts.
After the felt is completed, it is put through the asphalt saturation vats and coated and dried and turned out in huge rolls, which are cut into suitably sized rolls of roofing, 6r run through the shingle machine to come out in strips of slate-surfaced hexagon shingles in six different natural colors.
"People might think that because we use old rags our products can be turned out cheaply," said N. L. Brinker, director of sales. "Getting the rags is simple, compared to the scientific development of the processes through which they must pass to become good roofing products. Special machinery has been designed to handle this work and we have installed the finest equipment obtainable.
"Ifaving been right here in this business for more than 25 years, we are in a position to know that quality production is the only safe road to success, so we stick to it and still keep our prices right."