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"V/ill Rogers o[ The Lumber Business"
Dear Mr. Dionne:
The Penberthy Lumber Company wish to extend you good wishes for your "Cullud Fun." If it is as funny as we think it will be it will fill a great need; it is so hard to find truly funny stories. Enclosed is a check for copy of same; will you send an autographed copy ?
We take this opportunity to tell you that we have so thoroughly enjoyed your Vagabond Editorials during the past year; your Fun, Facts and Filosophy is of next interest-and we never miss your story-20 years old or younger. Our family call you the Will Rogers of the Lumber Business.
Paul Penberthy.
Earle Johnson Heads Hoo Hoo
Club No. 39
Earle E. Johnson, Independent Lumber Co., Livermore, and prominent member of the club, was elected president of the East Bay Hoo Hoo Club No. 39 for the ensuing year, at the regular dinner meeting of the club held at the Athens Athleti'c Club, Oakland, Monday evening, August 8.
Taylor Sublett, of the Strable Hardwood Co., Oakland, was elected vice president, and Carl R. Moore was reelected secretary-treasurer.
Gordon Pierce, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland; Miland R. Grant, \Mestern Door & Sash Co., Oakland, and G. F. "Irrry" Bonnington, Wendling-Nathan Co., San Francisco, were elected directors. Two more directors will be appointed by the president. All the past presidents of the club are ex-officio members of the board.
Another good program of entertainment was presented by the entertainment,committee. "Tom" Tomlinson's piano numbers were appre'ciated, and Artie Malner, lO-year old accordion player was heartily applauded. "Doctor" Josephus gave an amusing impersonation of an old-time medicine faker.
President Larue Woodson presided, and H. Sewall Morton acted as ,chairman of the nominating committee.
Gets Two Dollars Worth Each Month
Your "But it isn't our policy, friends-it isn't our policy" was worth more than two dollars irt American money to me. Fact of the matter is that I get two dollars worth out of your Vagabonds ea,ch and every month'