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Vagabond Editorials
Some of the magazines are having a lot of fun quoting the various predictions of Dr. Julius Klein, Assistant Secretary of Commerce, since the depression started. History will probably relate that he missed more continuous guesses than anyone ever did before. It recalls to mind Knute Rockne's favorite story of the wise guy at the football game who announced aloud in advance every play to be made, and missed every one of them, to the huge joy of the surrounding fans.
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Finally the tearn got down to the five yard line, having ilone nothing on the way down the field that the wise guy said they would. Just then one of the fans called to him{'What are they going to do now, Mr. Smart Alec?" And he, unperturbed, answered: "Well, I've brought them down to the five yard line; if they can't get over from there*to Hell with'em."
All I hope is that Doctor Julius doesn't stick his nose in now and proclaim that the depression is over. That's the only thing I can think of right now that might delay our ionvalescence.
The best argument against cancellation or readjustment of the war debts Europe owes us is that the only way to keep those birds from fighting is to make it too expensive. If WE pay for their LAST war, they'll take a chance on another. And if we cancel their war debts, WBLL be paying for THEIR war. If THEY pay for their LASf, one, they won't have ammunition to start their NEXT One.
And the best argument FOR canpellation or readjustment is the fact that WE have made it WEIL NIGH IMPOSSIBLE for them to pay us. They can only pay in ca$h or goods. They haven't the cash, or anywhere to get it. And we build a tariff wall to keep out their goods. So how can they pay? They owe us the money. We loaned it to them in good, hard cash, and in good faith, and they ought to pay it. But if WE fix it so they CAN'T-what t-Hell? Having thus argued both sides of the matter, dE will pass on to sorne thing else.
A lunaber dealer writes me, chortling his contempt for this threatened avalanche of standardized, unit-built, metal
Beprtnted trorn Growtc Paclilc Goart Lunber Dlgertl portland, oregon