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Age not guaranteed---Some I have told lor 20 ycars---Somc Less

Ran Fourth Again

An old race-track tout who had spent his life following the ponies, dropped dead in the street one day, and they carried his body to the morgue. Papers on his person gave his name and address, so they phoned down to the boarding house where he lived and asked that someone come down to the morgue and identify him.

So two of his old race-horse friends went down to attend to this duty. They were told to go into the morgue and see if they could pick him out. They went in and there was a line of "stiffs" each one laid out on a slab, covered by a

Bates Smith Vacations In Grove

Bates Smith, of Los Angeles, MacDonald & Harrington representative, spent his vacation as usual at the Bohemian Grove in Northern California.

sheet. So the two started with the first they came to, and pulled down the sheet. It was not him. They pulled down the second sheet. Again a stranger. The same way with the third. They didn't know that one either. One of them went to the fourth slab, pulled down the sheet, and called to his partner:

"Ilere he is."

"Yes," said the other, sadly. "Same unlucky old so-andso. Out of the money again."

Roy Stanton In Northwest

Roy Stanton, of Los Angeles, drove to British Columbia where he is vacationing through the month of August on the Olympic Peninsula. Mrs. Stanton accompanied him.

The popular vote n.rmesST U C C O wherever quality ,t high

Construction records in scores ol conmunities show thct buildinq good stucco is the surest wcy to increcse your volume of stucco business. People odmire stucco's becuty. They see.how thdt beauty endures. And they choose slucco lor their om homesl

It's not only more prolildble for the plcterinq conlrqctor, but iust os ecsy to build stucco the beat wcrywecrtherprool and durcble.


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