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Philippine Mahogany Group at Colorado Springs
Group picture taken at the annual meeting of the Philippine Mahogany Manufacturers' Import Association, Inc., held at the Broadmoor Hotel, Colorado Springs, Colo., July 19-7.0, 1940.
Left to right, seated: Roy Barto, Cadwallader-Gibson Co., Inc., Los Angeles; Miss Bettie Barto, Los Angeles; Mrs. Howard R. Black, Brooklyn; J. Raymond Peck, Insular Lumber Co., Philadelphia; Howard R. Black, Black & Yates, Inc., : |. Brooklyn; Glenn W. Cheney, Dant & Russell, Inc., Portland, Ore.
Left to right, standing: G. P. Purchase, Los Angeles; Howard R. Black, Jr., Brooklyn; L. Slater Black, Brooklyn; James T. Burgental, Canyon, Texas; Mrs. James T. Burgental, Canyon, Texas; T. B. Bledsoe, Brown-Bledsoe Lumber Co., Greensboro, N. C.; Daniel R. Forbes, Washington, D. C.; W. G. Scrim, Findlay-Millar Timber Co., Los Angeles.
Mrs. T. B. Bledsoe accompanied Mr. Bledsoe to Colo- rado Springs but was absent when the picture was taken. The board of directors re-elected W. G. Scrim president for the eighth consecutive year. Other officers re-elected were H. R. Black, vice-president; Glenn Cheney, secretarytreasurer, and G. P. Purchase, assistant secretary-treasurer.