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Rambfing Thoughts for Salesmen


Sone people tell the futh out ol pure cussedness. It's cr poor rule thcrt doesnjt work both wcys-in YOITB fcrvor.

Some men, who have lrcd no cdvcmtages oI their own" clwcrys try to tcke cdvcntcrge ol someone else.

Don't let your business leltetlB read like cm invoice. Put some human .nsture cmd leeling into them, even iI they ore only routine.

Every business ol cmy importcmce is looking lor men who work lrom the chin IIP. The earlh is littered with those who only work from the chin DOWN. T.he CHIN UP workers get prouroted without specking to the boss.

A man who won <r medcrl crs chcmrpion scrlesmcm ol used ccrrs in c big northern city, retrrorted tbat he ncrde excctly 52 calls on one certcrin mcrn belore Itmding him. That's whcrt they call STICKTOFTENESS.

Eurerson scrid:'The mcn who mcde the first pcrir oI shoes, ccrrlrted the eqrth with lecrther." And the mcm who mqde the first wooden board wcrs no slouch, either.

Sclesurcnrship mectng humcn ener(ry crnd intelligence locused on inducing people to exchcrnge their cash cmd credit for commodities the sclesmcn is interested in distributing. If the iob is done ct cr profit lor the vendor, and scrtisfcction lor the buyer, it is <r SALE

The succeEs of a scrlesmcrn depends lcrrgely on the ener!ry, intelligence, and AFFECTION he puts into his iob. For il he loves his iob he'll "give his genius to it," crs the colored brother scid when csked how he got his neckties tied so good.

The true lorte ol scrlesurcrnship is to supply hurncm wcmts qnd nee&, to increcrse qnd crecte hcrlrpiness, hecltlu crnd prosperity, cnd trll the other good things thct mcke humcm lile worth while.

You don't necesscrily have to understand whct they call the "psychologry" of selling in order to do cr good iob ol it. Just remember thcrt Gcudentiw, the wonderlul Romcrn who built the Coliseum, cnrd likewise the mcnry grecrt cnched bridges over the Tiber cnd other rivers ol the old Rmcn Empire, wcs not an crchitect. He did not understand how to figure the mechcniccl lcws oI stress crnd strcin But he built them, cnd they stcyed up. He couldn't FIGIIRE qn crrch, but he could BUILD <r dcndy.

And fincrlly-never, under cny circurrrstcrnces, scy to tr mqn "You don't remember me, do you?" Thct's the worgt bust cr sqleslrrcn cqn be guilty oI. It clwcrys makes the other lellow mqd.i I hrow it does me. Whenever some guy says to me-"You don't remember me, do you?" t invcricrbly crnswer'No,I don't. Should I?"

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