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TT PAYS TO SELL The exlra"yearage" of 1,n f0 i't-tt N0 7reT(| HEIP SE[[
II/HAT parts of the home get the most attention from YY a woman? Kitchen and bathroom! Wood bathtubs never reached manhood. But wood kitchen cabinets. by Curtis, are acclaimed by arch,itects and builders everywhere for beauty, quality and durability. That's because Curtis has been making fine woodwork since 1866.
Nature gives Redwood the inherent qualities which enable it to withstand exposure to earth, air and moisture.
Palco Redvtood has the accurate milling, proper curing and careful grading that bring your customers back for more. It pays to sell the extra "yearage" of Redwood. It pays to buy Palco Redwood. The Palco Redwood representawill show you why.
Over 50,0O0 housewives have had their kitchens planned by Curtis. That experience can mean money to you. For not only is there a nice profit for you when you sell a Curtis Planned Kitchen, but hundreds of dealers clinch house jobs by featuring the Curtis Kitchen.
The secrets that have made Curtis Planned Kitchens the favorite of thousands of o'Mrs. Americas" are-(l)
Curtis broad planning knowledge that fits Curtis sturdy wood cabinets e,fficiently into every foot of practical floor space-(2) Curtis Cabinets themselves-strong, modern and easy to clean-(3) the unlimited decoration features of Curtis Kitchens; the fact that entire color schemes can be chosen at one time.
Now an exciting new idea for selling Curtis Kitchens is ready. It's patented by Curtis. And it's working for many dealers to help them sell complete house jobs!
Don't wait any longer. See what Curtis Kitchen Planning can do for you. Just mail the coupon. If you live in Canada, write to W. C. Edwards & Co., Limited, 99I Somerset Street West" Ottawa. Canada.