1 minute read
Loyalty of Policyholders
E ARE proud of the loyalty of the policyholders of the Northwestern Mutual Fire Association. Every means, both fair and foul have been used by the enemy to eliminate the competition of your Company. That system of insurance which profits through the distribution of losses does not look upon mutual insurance as a competitor but as a deadly enemy which must be destroyed. Why? Because their "cost plus system" of fire insurance so increaaes losses that they cannot meet such competition.
Many of our policyholders have been offered insurance rates much below c.ost and otherr have been asked to name any rate necessary to take the business from your own company. We are safe in saying that not one in one hundred has yielded to this bait. Had all done so the companies would be successful in drivine competition from the field. Th"y would then be able to increase rates to their own liking.
In your outn compang you wiII always get your insurance at cost. It maftes no difference whether the basis rate s high or low. A high tate merely means a high dividnd; a low rate a small dividenil.