2 minute read
Thinking and Architecture
Slowly by centuries, years, days, hours, the thought of the peopls has changed; so, with precision, have their acts responsively changed; thus thoughts and ,acts have flowed and are flowing ever onward, unceasingly, involved within the impelling power of Life.
Throughout this stream of human life and thought an,d activity, men have ever. felt the need, to build; and from the need arose the power to build.-
So, aS they thought, they built; for strangs as it may seem, they could build in no other way.
Lumbermen Party Visit the Redwood Region
Fred Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., San Francisco; O. H. Barr, Barr Lumber Co., Santa Anna, and Mrs. Barr and two daughters; W. A. Bonestel, Peoples Lumber Co., Ventura, and Mrs. Bonestel; Messers Healy and Houston, Peoples Lum'ber Co., Ventura; O. R. Routt, Pioneer Lumber Co., Hollywood, and Mrs. Routt; B. J. Boorman, Boorman Lumber Co., Oakland, and Mrs. Boorrnan; and Mr. and Mrs. Walker, of Ventura; comprised a party that motored over the scenic Redwood Highway to
In fact, that's the only kind of Red, wood we gell---extra fine.
We have ae fine Redwood timber aa the Lord ever planted in California, and we manufacture it for you just as we would Iilcc it made for u if we wcre the buyera.
As they built they made, used, and left behind them records of their thinking.
Then as through the years llew men came with changed thoughts, so arose new buildings in consonance with the change of thought-the building always the expression of the thinking.
Whatdver was the character of the thought, just so was the character oi the building.-Louis Sullivan in "What Is Architecture ?".
Humboldt County to view the redwood lumbering operations around Eureka. An interesting inspection trip was made of the Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co. plan at Eureka, and a visit was also made to the company's redw,ood stand' ing timber near Fortuna. This tract of timber is known 'as the "Valley of the Giants" and the visitors were very much impressed at the size of these giant redwoods. Mr. and Mrs. Bonestel, Messers Healy and lfouston, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Routt, Mr. and Mrs. Boorman, and, Mr. and Mrs. Walker, continued their trip on to Portland, via Crescent City and Grants Pass, where they are now spending a few weeks motoring in the Northwest.
Redwood Durability
The Covernment's figures as to the ilwability, or lastkg qualitics, of wootl (White Oaft beilq taften c lA0/o) are os f ollowsz
Redwood-l25 to l75Vo, Douglas Fire-75 to lOW6
Western Larch-75 to 85Vo.
Wectern Hemlock-35 to 55iVo.
If it ie necessary for you to furnieh your tiade with a cheaper siding why not do so with our Redwood Garage Siding or Extra Merchantablc Siding, either in lz4 to 5/sx6. You will then be protecting and increaeing your good-will by selling something that will give permanent eatisfaction.
D. Robertson, Prcc.
Established f 888 Geo. R. Hackett, V. P. & G M.

We wish to announce to the retail trade of California that we are in position to quote on parcels of