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The Most Useless Job
Two niggers nret on the street in Houston one day, who hadn't seen each other fo,r a long time.
"Mosq whah you been, Ah ain't seen you fo de longest?" asked the first.
"Man," said the second, "Ah been livin at Galvestorg and ain't been up heah fo a long time cause mah job keeps me so doggoned busy."
"\lllhat kinda job you got?'" asked the first.
"Boy, Ah got th mros useless job in th whole world," replied the other.
Right Now
We are specidizlng on Douglar FIr Flooring. Send us an inquiry and let ur quote you.
Redwood .and Fir Dimension and Uppers
"Mos useless job in th world? Man, whut yo doin?', "Ahm workin at de lighthouse on Galveston point. At dishere lighthouse we got a big bell, an we got a big whistle, an we got a big light. An when the sto,m comes up, an th fog comes rollin in, th whistle bllows-Who-o-o o-and the bell rings-boom>boom-boom-and the light jes shines and shines but you know boy, it doan do rio good a-tall, cause th doggone fog it just comes rollin inyassah-it jus comes rollin in jus th same."
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Hardwood Flooring
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It is easier to sell a well-known brand of any- thing. Your customers have greater confidence in its value. Stock "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring-the flooring with a long established reputation.
We have two large plbnts manufacturing "Perfection" brand, plain and quartir .sawed; This insures dependable service. Write today for full details. Watch for our national advertisements.
Arkansas Oak Flooring Company
Pine Bluff, Arkansas
Maple, Beech, Birch and Oak
Labor Saving
because it ia thoroughly seaeoned, scientifically Kitrr Dried, and manufaciured as nearly perfect as modern machinery and human endeavor will'permit. . Sold through lumber dealers for the past twenty yearE.