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Los Angeles After Another Building Record
Building permit statistics from Los Angeles show en,ormous figures at all times, and it seems that each new report shows a previous record broken.
For what is usually the quiet month in building, this city shows prospects of topping all records, it is practically certain that the August totals will pass the high m,ark set last March when over $21,000,000.00 in new buildings was authorized by the building department.
To the night of the 27th, five thousand one hundred permits had, been taken out in the city, these to a grand total of. $19,122,827.ffi. With four da.v*s to run and an average Ior the month, to date, of about $850,000.00 per day, on the night of thq 31st, the total should be over 922,000,000.00.
Ray Hunter Spends Vacation On Motor Trip
Ray Hunter, manager of the Sterling Lumber Co. yard, at Oroville is back on the job after spending hisj vacation motoring through the Peninsula district and. Santa Cruz mountains. Before returning to work he spent a'few days with his folks who reside in Oakland.
Who Said There is I{o Sentiment in Business?
When a man works hard and saves every penny for years in order to build a home'When he and his family have to forego many of tle niceties of life so that they may have a snuggery of their very own in the years to come- will give ttat home a permanently eatirfactory overhead covering. The men who make it rtake iheir reputation on itr rervice. Your conrcience ir clear when you sell t'Weaver" Roofing.
It's a moral certainty you want to be assured beyond peradventure of a doubt that what you supply for the building of that home is going to stand the tesf of time.
Daniel Best Passes Away
Daniel Best, a, pioneer of the 'West, and the founder of the Best,Manufacturing Company, died at his home at San Leandro, on August 22nd,
Change Of Ownership
The Steamer "Tampalpais" has' been sold by E. K. Wood Lumber Company to the Little RiVer Redwood Company.
Oakland Building Increases
Late reports from Oakland indicate a record month in that city for new buildings in August.
July reached a total of almost $2,000,000, and the average per month for the year has been about $2,500,000.
The Christensen Lumber Company baseball team, of San Fr'ancisco, defeated the Crabe Company team, of the same city, in a hotly contested baseball battle, recently, the vistory giving the Christensen team the championship of the' Class. B division of the Industrial Athletic Association.