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Basic lLS.Patents Schunacher \fail
The important steps that make SCHUMAHER WALL BOARD'a different and better kind of wall board are protected by U. S. Patents.
So vital are these steps that no manufacturer can come anywhere near approaching the high standard of this reliable and sturdy wall board without infringing on these patents. These various processes are the invention arising from years of patient research, careful tests and practical experiments.
SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD was the first plaster watl board made. Naturally there are hosts of imitators. But because these patented processes are so important, the. quality of SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD cannot be even approximated.
In order that you too may be protected every piece of SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD bears the 'SCIIUMACHER" trade mark.
This is your insurance against inferior imitations and by insisting upon wall board bearing this trade mark you may be sure of getting a permanent, durable wall board that will not buckle, warp, swell or shrink; and one that can be sealed. perfectly at the joints to make a single piece wall that will take any kind of wall covering beautifully.
SCHUMACHER WALL BOARD is backed by a reputable manufacturer who has been in business for years and who will be in business for many years to come.
Insist upon this reliable, honest product.
Write for descriptive folder showing the many advantages of this superior wall board.
Ask your Lumber Dealer, Carpenter or Builder about this economical, durable wall that comes ready prepared.
Rcg. U. S. Pat. Of. Thh *adc-mar& ot ctay skct for yout prohction,