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How Lumber Looks
Two weelr ago t[ir page contained the rtatement thet California war "coming backr" and that the run war beginning to thine.
Therc can be no queetion tfiat the wholeule mrrket in thir widc rtate ir in rnuch better rhape than it was a month ego, and that in the lart two weekr, the evidencer of more confidcoce are being dirplayed end felt by the cntire trade.
The rnillr ere brun rail buriner prospecto look good, cutting ordcrr are bringing much bettef pricer than wene prevailing for a few dayr, tte railroad burinerc being placed in hav'rng itr unnl eftect, rll of thir taken with the building recordr that are being made over ilre enthe etate, point to en Augurt and Septernber that rhould bring smiler.
The rhipmentr into San Pedro, up to'the night of the 27th, rhowed the foll,owing totals: 126 cargoes reported, 98 6r and 2t redwood. These boatr canied a total footage of 147,(XX),(X)O fect Thir in rpite of the nurnber of vercelr tbat heve becn taken out of rcrrice.
At San Francbco, to tte night of tihe 25th' 76 cargoec hrd arriyed, carrting a total of 45'5(X),0OO feet of frr and rcdwood. Of thb totd approximately 26/o war redwood.
Thc fir milb hrt reporb from one hundred and thirty' onc of t'he nemberr, rhowr tbeir cut for the two weeks pcriod to be 105r(XX)r(XX) fcet, and they rhow new burinecs of S,(XX)'(XX) feet, with rhipmenb of 98'O0O'O00 feet.
Thir productionb 2OVo above their normal, 'and the ralee bal 9Vo below productionn all of which indicater a healthy condition. It b alro intereding to notc ttat of the total ralee of the fir millr, forty-four per cent was for futurc wetcr delivern a total.of 2SrOOO,(X)O feet for domcrtic portt.
Rail businers "nounted to 1601 cen. Thc lVert Cout Lumbermen'r Auociation have unfilled domedic cargoc. amormting to 132'0(X),(X)O feet
The redwood milb in lart rcport rhowr a cut of f0'69a. 0(X) fcet, and saler of 61209,000 fect. Tbcir fiipmd emounted to about IO'OOO'OOO fe€t" Ttis i! a drop fron the lart report of about 3'OOO,O(X) in rdeq with their pro' duction jurt one million feet below.
The Southem Pine Arociation repor$ from o'ne hudrcd and thi*y-leven member millr, drowr ralcr for thc two weekr period, 65'000'000 feet, and their cut, 77r(X)Or(X)O fcGt. Tbey rhipped 72,OOO'0O0. There figuee rrc prrc' ticdly ar contained in the lest report, no chenge to rpak of.
Climatic conditions in the South and in the North are widely different requiring considerable care in Kiln-drying Clear lumber which is especially sensitive to changes in temperature and humidity.
We have made a careful study of this problem and have found through experience and by experiments, the proper rate of drying and amount of moisture content to enable us to deliver Kiln-Dried Clears to our customers in the South in as good condition as when they come out of the kilns at the mill.

An Automatic Electric Oven, in which samples of the lumber at various stages in the process of drying are tested for moisture content, insures UNIFORMITY and an unvarying QUALITY from one shipment to another.
Only Green Clear from Soft Old-Growth Yellow Fir logs is kiln-dried for the Southern trade.