2 minute read
Speak Their Language
They tell the good old story of the perspiring copywriter who was working up the firgt advertising-many years ago-<f what has since become a rrorld renowned brand of soap. He descriH its virtues and good qualities as follows:
"The alheline elements and vegetable fats in this product are blended in such a way aE to secure the highest quality of saponification al*rg with a apecific gravity that keeps it on top of the water, relieving the bather of the trouble and annoyance of firhing around for it in the bottom during his abolutiong."
This piece of copy came to the advertising managen He looked it oyer, studied it, took a blue pencil and scntched out every word, and in place thereof he substituted two wcdr that have become famour: t.We must tranclate otu materialr into the language of homec and of buildings.t'
The hard working copy writer war apeaking a language too cumbrour and cumbersome,for the people who were going to shoot their advertisin! at. The advertising manager wrote aomething that spoke the language of tiJre other fellow.
THAT is a big thought in advertising and selling BUILDING MATERIAI.s.
ADVERTISING is done to CREATE a DESIRE for the thing advertised.
It IS difficult to creats a desire for RAW MATERIAIS.
But to create a desire for the things that raw material may be converted into, is very aimple, particularly with building materials, f o r necessary buildings are ttdesired of men." Women qlso.
Yet we offer them LUMBER when it is a BUILDING they would be interested in; or rather the FUNCTIONS of a building, for it is what the building meanr to t{rem that makes thcm willing to exchange money for it.
We are like the perapiring copy writer; we are failing to SPEAK THEIR LANGUAGE. SEE?
Sam Joner, the famour revivaliet, uced to aay tfiat the trouble with thc average preacher was that he failed to get hia fodder down where the cattle could reach it.
There's a brg thought trhere.
When Ape Men
HURLED STONES AT DINOSAURI nature had already evolved a tree that was desi$ned to outlive all others.
This tree, REDWOOD, is California's ownexclusive product, the kin$ of all forests, the most imposin$ in height and $irth-{raceful and beautiful-the most ancient of trees.
The very name "REDWOQD" recalls the Gold 'Rush, the days of '49, the romances of Bret Harte. Every tourist knows of the majesty of the RBDWOOD ;bvt when hereturns to settle in California, he needs you to tell hlm a few plain facts about RPDWOOD lumber and REDWOQD shin$les, the attractiveness and durability of REDWOOD homes and outbuildin$s, theresistance of the wood to wet, heat and fire, its ease of workin$; its peculiar value to industry for tanks, vats and pattern makin$, and to mining and agriculture for flumes and pipes.
And we are here to help You tell him-