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Newsy News
Earl White Calls On San Francisco Trade
Earl E. White, popular Sacramento Valley lumberman and manager of the California Door Company plant at Folsom, sp_ent a few days during the later p'art' of the m.onth in San Francisc,o. While ,in tlie Bay bistrict, he called on several. of his lumbermen friends a.rd alro looked after some private business matters.
_ A. A. Kelly, Sacramento Valley representative of the Santa Fe Lum,ber Company, of San Francisco, checked in at headquarters during the later part of the m,onth, where he spent a. w9e! on detail and ^discussing busineis matters. with A. J. RusseU, president of the"company. Mr. Kq]!y is now back on thelob and making his reguiar trips calling on the retail trade-in the Valley"Dirtri.t]
S. M. Blair, well known wholesaler of New york City, paid the. Bay D-istrict a visit a few days ,ago and sperii several days looking over sights in and a.ourrd San Fran_ cisco. He called on some of his lumber friends in San Fnancisco, and he also lvas a visitor at the office of G. i. Bleecker, representative of the Eagls Lumber Co. Mr. pleecker and Mr. Blair are old pals,-their friendship datine back to the days when Mr. Bleecker used to sell^ lumbe? in the New York market. After a few days in Southern California, Mr. Blair returned. to New yoik Citv.
From All Over the State
Joe Lunny Spends A Few Days In San Francisco
Joe Lunny, terminal agent of the McCormick Steam- ship Company, with headquarters at San Pedro wasr a recent visitor at the company's San Francisco office where he spent several days attendiag to business matters. Joe was formerly attached to the company's San Francisco office, but for the past several months has been acting as the terminal agent of the company at the southern port. llis many steamship and lumbermen friends in the -Bay Distri.ct were glad to see Joe again.
C. H. White, of White Brothers, San Francisco, and 'n'ell known California hardwood dealer, has returned to his desk after being confined to his home for nearly three weeks with an attack of influenza. His many lumbermen friends are very glad to hear that he is now-convalescing nicely and he is now spending a portion of his time at his office attending to business matters.
Harry Collett On Sick Ltst
Harry Collett, of the Reinhart Lumber Company, of San Francisco, is on the sick list and has been confined. to a hospital in Oakland. Harry is one of the popular members of the Lum,ber Salesmen's Club of San Frrancisco, and his m,any friends are 'sorry to hear that he is indisposed.