1 minute read
Let us tell you a few facts, Mr. Lumber Dealer
Foct No. I
About Our Timber
The Pacific Spruce Corporation owns 2'SOO'OOO'(X)O feet of old growth Yellow Fir, Sitka Spruce, and Western Hernlock in the great timber belt of Western Ogegon, tributary to Yaquina Bay, where their electrically operated rnill ie located at Toledo.
There is no finer body of timber in the west than thic stand-a virgin forert of great trees. The product from this timber is high clars lumber, light and aoft, with a fine even grain, making it particularly adapted for interior finish and factory purposes.
All lumber buyerr chould lict among their asrets a perrnanent connection with a Pacific Coart lumber manufacturer, whoae supply of timber, almort unlimited, producee the kind of lumber they can recommend to their customerl, a company that rnaker shipments promptly and renderc a aerivice that is particularly pleasing and profitable.
You can make such permanent connection with the Pacific Spruce Corporation through its exclusive relling agent, the C. D. Johnson Lurnber Company of Portland, Oregon, who is ready to cater to your every need in old growth Yellow Fir, Sitka Spruce, and \ilertern Hemlock.
Send for copy ttBtt of t'The Last Great Standtt, a beautiful booklet we have recently isrued, telling the rtory of Westerrr lumbering and of the nill at Toledo.
Fact No. 2
About Out Lurnber In An Early luue