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Malott & Peterson Northern l)istributors of Weaver Rooting
Malott & Peterson, of San Francisco, have .completed arrangements with the \Areaver Roof Comrpany, of Los Angeles, to act as distributors of this well known roofing product, with headquarters at San Francisco and San Jose. Their territory will include all points north of Fresno and San Luis Obispo.
Malott & Peterson are manufacturers and distributors
Buttonlath Stands The Test
One of the severest tests that any building nraterial can be subjected to is the strain caused by an earthquake. This is particularly true of the mraterials that go into the walls of a building for that is 'where the greatest shock and strain is felt.
One type of building material that stood up rem'arkably well during the recent disturbance that shook the state was the product Buttonlath, a composition larthing material. Of the thousands of Buttonlath-ed buildings in California, not one was reported damaged in the least, despite the fact that considerable property damage was caused by the quake, especially in the towns adjacent to the mountains.
Buttonlath is made try the Buttonlath Manufacturing Company of Los Angeles, the largest concern of its kind on the Pacifrc Coast and the pioneer fi,rm to lntroduce composition lathing m,aterial in California. This company also nranufactures Peters Wallboard, a plaster board that is in wide use throughout the Southwest and in the Orient.