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of the popular "I(ompolith" magnestite flooring, and have a large plant and r,.i"arehouse at 2412 Harrison Street, San Francisco. They are also large distributors of floor, wall, and mantel tiling. They maintain a branch office ,ar San Jose. Malott & Peterson are a well established concern and their products are well known in the Bay District and Northern California: they have been in business lor over fifteen years.
Thomas H. Price, manager of their roofing department, is very enthusiastic over the Weaver Roof Company products, and although they have taken on this account only recently, states that Weaver Roofinq has already been specified on several of the large buildings now under construction in the Bay District.
Arrangements are being completed for a roofing representative from the Mallot & Peterson Company to call on the lumber trade of Northern California, assisterl by Mr. George W. Goodrvin, of the Weaver Roof Company.
The officers of Malott & Peterson are: E. H. Peterson, president, and Thomas H. Price, vice-president. Fred Hayden is man,ager of their San Jose operations.
Vineyard Lumber Company Sells
Pelton & I-eeve, a recent incorporation, has bought the Vineyard Lumber &.Investment Company, on West Pico Street, Los Angeles.