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ANGELES a one and one half fare, round trip, tickets to be bought HOO HOO LUNCHEON anytime after September Sth.
Mr. Andy Donovan, of the Union Lumber'Companys Los Angeles ofifrces, was put on trial, and found guilty of a serious offense, .at thg I os Angeles lloo Hoo Luncheon, at the City Club August 16th.
Mr. J. C. Ellis, of the Redwood Manufacturers Com'pany, presided on this day, and it was while Mr. Ellis was explaining the absence of his scheduled speaker on account of sickness, that ,one Earl Hoffman, asked permission of the meeting to prefer charges against Donovan. ,Hoffm'an alleged that Andy was guilty of aiding and abetting the escape of a pair of newlyweds, on the night of their wedding, thus spoiling the carefully planned scheme of a band of conspirators, who had planned the abduction of the groom. The groom, Mr. Bushnell W. Bookstaver, was able, through the aid of Donovan to elude the gang, and make his escape in Donovan's car, his own having been put out of commission.
Account the seriousness of the crime, it was th'ought best to have the defendent tried before a jury, and after appointing the Prosecuting Attorney, H. L. Rosenberg, and an attorney for the defense, B. W. Byrne, atter many challenges and objections, a jury of five waq selected, composed of C. S. Estes, E. D. Tennant, Curtis Williams, J. E. Lloyd-Jones and Ted Lawrence. The case was compelled to be content with a short jury, account the ineligibility of the balance of the spectators to serve. Mr. Jack Dionne was unanimously selected to act as judge.
Many witnesses were called, and after mu'ch evidence being submitted, the case was turned over to the jury, with instructions to take not more than thirty seconds to reach a decision. The culprit was adjudged guilty, and fined $2.@, to be deposited in the Big Brother Fund, and the attorneys were each fined fifty cents, for Lreing associated with such a case.
Isherwood Issues Last Call For New Orleans
From the office of the Secretary-Treasurer, Henry Isherwood, comes a last minute warning to all the faithful, to drop business cares for a few days and hop the traln for the biggest and most successful Annual that f{oo Hoo has ever seen.
There is no doubt that New Orleans will see a larger delegation of Black Cats gathered together for four d,ays, September 8th to 12th, than has ever gotten together in any other place.
The committees have completed their arrangements for the entertainment of the 'delegates and their wives, and final arrangements have been made with the railroads for
San Diego District To Have High Time
Vicegerant Snark, Fred C. Hamilton, of the San D,iego District, has invited the entire membership of the tos Angeles and Orange County Districts to attend a banquet and Concatenation, to be held at San Diego, Saturday, September first.
Mr. Hamilton is making big plans for this event, and the indications are for a mteting that will be long remembered. The dinner and ceremonies will be held aboard the log raft that is at the Benson Lumber. Companys wharf.
Making Final Plans For Annual
W. S. Dickason, Snark of the lJniverse, held a conference with S.ecretary-Treasurer Isherwood, to complete details of the Thirty-Second Hoo-Hoo Annual which will be held in New Orleans, September 8 to lZ,. Plans already perfected make it certain that this will be the greatest and most successful Annual held in the history of the Order.
Advices to National Headquarters from all sections of the country give assurance of a large attend,ance represent- ing men from the highest walks ,of Lumberdom. Many of these will bring their wives. An elaborate and interesiing program has been completed for the ladies; there will bE something doing every minute of their stay.
One of the things that received particular attention at the conference between Dickason and Isherwood was the Round Table Session at the Annual. This is one of the interesting events on the program this year and w,ill be of parficular importan'ce because many subjects of national, if not international, interest will be discussed.
The Round Table Session always attracts the foremost men.in the Lumber Industry and-this year will be no exception. It is generally understood that many policies of vital importance to the Industry and the ,Order rwill be formulated at this Round Table Session.
New Orleans Committees are makipg elaborate arrangements t,o entertain the visiting Hoo-Hoo and Lumberm'en. Members of the Order throughout the state are showing admirable cooperation. The program is brim full of interest and will give the lumbermen and jheir wives something to do every minute.
The New Orleans Chamber of Commer.ce and other civic organizations are working together fo assure HooHoo of a wonderful time promptly upon their arrtval there.
In order that the event may receive proper publicity in the leading newspapers of the country, a special press service is being arranged. This phase of the Annual is ,tn the hands of the Secretary-Treasurer.