1 minute read
: ' Shoull^l The Vqrr'. Ptoduetion of Hatdoodt Coning Out of Oqr Voth MilI-
REMEMBER:-We have the newett, mort modern, end one of the largerlhardwood millr on earth at Voth' t*-, *-ni"f, ir ai"""tit ;;;A.d' with the whole rtate of California !v two sreat tr--anrcontinental rail;;t li;*:;hgi" ll"eh""l. Both the Santa Fe and So:thern Pacific directly rerve our mill.
Our quatity of.ctock in white and red oak, plain a1f fi-fUred- gum-co-mPare favorably-witb the-finert on earth. We ofier " t*s";J a.p"ia"ft" ioL"" of hrrJwocd supply from one of tihe oldeet and biggert of all lumber concernr.
Harry T. Kendall, Gencral Sds Agent HOUSTON, TEXAS
Heat Proof rr Cold Proof rr Sound Proof With One Material CELOTEX!
is INSULATING LUMBER. lt is made from bagage, or cane fibre. Thir 6brc is felted and intcilaced into a tough, rigid, board, hawing great structural atrength.
Scientific Construction lYlalres Good Buildings Better
No one todan who is interegtcd in building a honie can longer afford to ignore the value of insulation in the wallr and roofa as protection against heat and cold.
The- common p_racticc of conrtructing buildings with ordinary _wood shcathing and building paper, to. shut out heat and cold, is gradually giving way to the uee of the .modern-dai sulating Lumber.