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There is
The scientific procesa, -lrsed in converting the canc- fibrc, from which C-elbtex is made, inig building lumber cauaes it to devclop miriarda of minutc aii cells, forrning its rem-arkable insulating quality. Its atrength as sheathing h"r be.rr frilly tecicd by leading. engineere,- ptoring that it ia.-rupcrior tL wood ehcatrhing when used ,for thio purpore.
B-esides -replacing wood shcathing, Cclotcx is also a plaeter base, eliminatinli lathl an intcrior, crterior 6niah, and cound deadcrrcr. 'l lnsulation against heat and cold is combined in all [e uaes. Celotcx makes buildingg bettcr.
Dealers Profit
Somc live and'up-to-date building material dcaler is going_lo accure diatribut{r'c righta in your tcr- ritory. You cannot afiord do oveilook thls oppor- tunity. It means mo_n_ey,to |ou. For compleie in_ frmation address: 'lVholeseie Departmenq %Jern Celotex Company. I -