1 minute read
Lumbermen Attend Bohemian Club Play
A. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Co.. San Francisco; P,aul Foster and Bill Foster, of the Northwestern f umber Co., San Francisco and Bates Smith, of the SmithHooper Lumber Co., Los Angeles; were among the California lumbermen who attended the annual play given ,by the Bohemian Club at the Redwood Grove on August 1g. Th9 lla}' was written by Joseph Redding and wis conceded by those who attended to be the bist perform,ance ever given at the Grove. Considering the fact that the play was postponed from the original date, August 5, owing to the death of President Warren G. Harding, there I\ras a large attendance present.
(Continued from page 26)
Sometime between now and the first of the vear vou may decide on an advertising program. Then let-m. o-ff.t this word of warning. Don't wait until two weeks before you are ready to start and then try to rush the joU through. Select your advertising assistance with care, If it is in ,agency judge them as you would any other firm, by the measure of what they have accomplished, their credit and financial standing. You will find m,any established and reputable agencies in this city who can give you intelligent assistance on your problem, but beware of the man who has desk room only and sings you the siren s,ong, ,.I can do it cheaper." For just as there are irresponiible contractors, men whose office is under their hat, so are there inexperienced and irresponsible parties engaged in advertising work whom the prospective advertisei witt do well to avoid.
Our soft White Pine from the Feather River Canyon will meet your requirements for factory lumber and finish. Let us quote on your demands for the coming season.
Your inquiries and orders will receive our usual prompt attention if sent either to ourselves or to our Southern California representatives :
GALIF0RilIA wlllTE KRb- and SUGAR p|ltES
'Si&rg-*ra material to buy. Reduces cost.
PAUL BUNYAN LATH, sheathing /"{ffiffie Building lumber and Finirlu Factory and lath combined in on9 piegg: 4_p"r: Fffit"t Lumber] Pattern St""f. --Wia" cbars fect bond for ctucco.A aolid job of \.W/ and uppers ioi ai*.U""rar and sh"tr- sheathing. one-hr: item of "o,rt.rrrr*"^r*ffiord-tinc runbcr "