2 minute read
Hipohto {{ryScreens
Not alone are they more extensively advertised than.other screens on the market, but they represent the high mark of quality. Ortlv the best material that we can purchase is uaed. Every operation ir thoroughly standardized and every rcreen five times inspected before leaving orr factory. This insures you of the bert rcreen that it is possible to make, and by standardized factory procerreE, at the very lowest price.
from page 35 put them on twice as quick as a Star, saving labor; and you have a roof that the builders around will run excursion trains to look at, and it won't cost enough more than a poor old thin Star shingle so that any intelligent home builder would hesitate a moment in choosing the Royal.
And there are Perfections, and Perfects, and Clears, etc. -plenty of grades to choose from and make a selling talk over.
I think the shingls men must arr,ange to have shingles
TAKE YOUR SHINGLES TO THE DEALER. SHOW THEM TO HIM. EXPLAIN THEM TO HIM. GIVE HIM THE FIGURES ON ALL THE GRADES. SHOW HIM HOW HE CAN SERVE HIS CUSTOMER BY FURNISHING HIM THE IDEAL ROOF FOR A REASONABLE PRICE AND. MAKE A GOOD PROFIT HIMSELF MAKE THE DEALER A BOOSTER FOR BETTER ROOFS. DON'T MAKE OR SELL A SINGLE THIN SHINGLE THAT YOU CAN HELP. TALK QUALITY AND VALUE IN forcefully and intelligently sold, by the {ace to face process, sholving these interesting facts and figures, and demonstrating what wonderful roofs can be had from shingles for a very reasonable amount of money.

The trouble with most shingle men is that they turn their logs into any sort of shingle that seems easiest to make, and then turn them loose on the world with a prayer that some one will purchase them.
In other words, the trouble with the shingle industry is that not more than ONE car out of every ONE HUNDRED that is manufactured is actually SOLD. The remainder is just distributed to the LOWEST bidder.
One of the sturdy oaks of the industry, who prides himself on his qu,ality shingles,- asked me gravely what I thought he ought to do in the face of such conditions as he has been finding.
I asked him : "Is there anyone actually selling your shingles to the trade who is vitally interested in y'our quality, and your dependability, and your integrity, and your splendid shingles, and who is out trying to sell the trade these things? Or are your shingles simply drifting out with the ,commonest of shingles, and being sold by the price route strictly?"
And he admitted that thpre was n,o one selling his shingles who was vitally interested in selling the firm as well as the shingle.
He was continually overlooking his chief asset, one that he has spent his life building, yet he wondered what was the matter rvith his business.