1 minute read
Says"W-hat ThisCorrDtry Needs" is f.'\ry'. \ry'. Exterminator
"What this country needs is a fool killer to operate three shifts on these birds" writes a lumber friend of 'ours, on the corner of a piece of I. W. W. literature he sent in for -' our information.
We don't blame him. Here is a paft of the article, quoted from "The Lumber Workers Bulletin" issued in Chicago by the I. W. W:
"The employing class lives on our labor. It has to p'ay us wages, whi.ch are a part of what we produce, and everything else we make for it is its profit on which it exists. When we cut down the profits-we starve capitalism. That is the only way it can be hurt. When we strike oft the job we stop the profits, but we stop ths expenses too. Now we must all be on the job, dr'awing wages, but making no profit for the boss.