1 minute read
Oregon Door Go.
"It is not necessary to break any laws to do this. Figure out just how little work you can 'do, and get try. Do that, and no more. Let svery L \,V. W. member polnt out to the unorganized that there is plenty of chance to get 'another job, if one is fired. Let no faller slaughter the virgin forest too recklessly. Let no bucker slash the logs too hurriedly. Remember that this is dangerous work, and every precaution should be taken to preserve human lives. Go slow. Rigging men, chocker setters, loaders, donkey firers, remember too rapid labor under the htlt summer sun induces son-stroke. Don't do it. Don't get out too many logs. Remember that when you have worked two hours you have produced enough value to support yourself. Everything you do after that time is the boss's-is a present to your enemy-and the enemy of your cl'ass. Take it easy. The boss will use all the profits you give him to oppress you, to build prisons for you, to hire gunmen to shoot you as Fellow Worker McKay u'as shot at Aberdeen. Don't put these guns into the hands or your enemy. Go Slorv.
"Everybody on the job-and everybody loaf. Organize all the time. Spread literature, talk to the uneducated, and hinder profits continually. These are our tactics from now on until the next strike off the job."