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Fun, Facts and Filosoph
The Englishm,au who was running a hardwoo<! iumber yard, was asked what kinds of hardwood he haci in stock.
"Hi 'ave Hoak, Hash, Helm, and 'ickory," hc replied.
A Perfect Da
The two golf cluffers were pass.! one another on the fairway.
"How are you shooting
"Wonderful" said the on the last hole. H re you going?"
"Great" said the green."
Some Golfing Ry
lVhat is the full history of the ga of Golf?
No man knoweth.
It appears, however, that t early Bibli.cal days, because t that Solomon said: "a fool's li his mouth calleth for st
/vlaf ed it away f,,ck in ;:,iLIT'.1TX,:'j:'J; not so foolish either. id 1457 Golf had taken hold in tire first. Scotland to such an ext that the people were forbidden r scream'ing brassies to play it because it wa interfering with the needfui practice of archery, the n onal defense. ond; "four perfect putts on the last The oldest Golf urse and Club on earth is that of Blackheath, near ndon, England, and dates rrom 1608, 168 years befo the United States was officially on the map.
(From a Noll-Welty Lumber Co. Blotter) l. A ball driven into or under a Ford car, other than a Sedan, on any of the roads ,crossing or near the course, may be played where it lies or the player may have the choice of either taking the Ford home, or playing the ball and Ford together.
2. A ball driven into the telephone poles or rvires crossing the fairways may be replayed without penalty. A player so playing his ball shall stand as near as possible to the pole and phone the Noll Welty Lumber Co.
3. A ball driven into a watar hazard. rmust be played where it lies. Bathing suits may be found at ,all tees.
4. Players a,re warned to beware of the BULL at the nineteenth hole.
5. The bull is mightier than the golf.
They're doing it still, History tells us that
America rfras late in taking up Golf, but when we did, we just ran away with it. There are about 5;00O gol{ courses in the United States today, and we are buildih! them at the rate of about 400 a vear.
Them Golfing Guys Look Wild
Who's the stranger, ,m,other dear?
Look ! He knows us ! Ain't it q
I{ush, my own ! Don't talk so w
That's your father, dearest child.
That's my father ? No such thylgl Father died, away last spring.
Father didn't die, you dub !
Father joined a golfing club. But they've closed the club, my own, That is why he's coming home. Kiss him ! He won't bite you child ! All them golfing guys look wild.