5 minute read
That's the reason why Lami oors never swell, shrink or warp
Read how the inherent tendency of wood to expand or contract with changes in moisture content is scienti{rcally neutralized in these remarkable doors. Learn ho'"v to obtain doors that are genuinely trouble-proof, regardless of climatic conditions.
| ,AMINEX stiles and cross-rails are builc up on a core of blocks with grain so crossed that expansion and contraction are neutf alized. Flarvless sheets of rvood are cemented permanently to these cores rvith secret-formula Laminex cement, ivhich is absolutely waterproof and actually stronger than wood. Laminex door panels, rvith the adiacent lar.ers running cross-wise, are also waterproofcemented u'irh the same pou'erful adhesive. Larger dorvels are usEd in uniting rhese stiles and'crossrails of Laminex doors. Many doors have dorvels that are only /2 inch in diameter. Laminex doors have /( inch dorvels that are 5 inches long. These over-sized dowels gtve 5o/6 morestrength and 3o/o greater holding surface thantT2 inch dowels. There are four of these j(rnch dowels, where the stiles meet the bottom rail in a Laminex door. instead of the three half-inch dowels in ordinary doors.
Laminex cloors are moderatell priced, despite their beaun' and their trouble-proof serviceabilrt\'. Proqressive distributors can supply'you frbm their ample stocks. ii t'ou "re unable to get Laminex doors frotn 1'our iobber, write us and we rvill give vou the natne of a iobber rvho .vill supplv you.
Tnr Wnnnrpn., Oscooo Co.
Tacoma, \\rashington.
Please send me your new book with complete information on Laminex doors.
Addres t...,.-.. -.. -......
Citl t-
Please send details .State. of your dealer sales plan.
DO-ruaa"rrful is Laminex construction, that Laminex doori". mav be soalied in water for days pt a iime, without warping, splittingior comlng apart. In fact, the. sbaking. of Lamtnex doofs ln water ls a test that is frdqirently made by distribucors and rerail'lumber and millwork dealers to prove:that Laminex construcrion is ibsolutely immune to any Fondition of dampness i r j .: t Tln famous, f,aminex door. , soaking test, ch;t retail {ehl- i ers riake pfubliclv in all parts - of the coqstrvr prdvs5'1hxg dampness will never make a Leminex door warp, split or come aDltt.
In da^mp climates, or when doors are install-bd before plaster is thorouehly dry, ordinary doors mav srvell. wai'p. or split, but no ', tn"rt.. whit the ciimate or .l how green the plaster, a Laminex door will neler givei trouble.

He.e ri,e show the old relialle two-panel door, as buiit hy the L-aminex method-a s;bugd strucrural design. Sfe have added the non-warping advanrages of laminarion, with all parrs .firmly welded- rogerher"by rhat ,powerful adhesrve, Lamrnex waterproot cement.
Each genuine Laminex door bears the name ''LAMrr.rsx" and our yellow replacement guaranree label. The door must malie good, 6r we will."
Tell your trade it cosrs more te refir, refinish and Eehz;ngorle ordinary door than ahy slight addi, tionafpribe thdy might have to pay forijminex renang one door tnan aky tionafprice mighr to pav for ijminex doors throughout atientire housi. Any rhinking {r()ufs rrrfougrrou[ alr gnlrre rlousc. n ny tnrnKln.g ,per.sgn wil.l3g*e9 that. it is far.;rviser ro play safi ind insrall Liminex doors in ihe firsr fhie.
Hardwood Trim Makes a House Homelike.
Talk this to your customers and you will sell more trim.
Stanton's Manila Brand Philippine Mahogany is especially beautiful and economical.
Let us all preach to home-builders the gospel of more hardwood trim.

How Lumber Looks
It's a short story. Lumber looks just like it did two weeks ago, with one or two small exceptions. No' 2 flooring, which has lagged all summer, went up a lot in California. Since it had been selling fot less than the strips from which it is made, the rise was expected, and this item simply went up to about the level of the rest of the market.
Buying is slow inCalifornia-all over California in fact. The buying is being done hand-to-mouth- That's because the seillng is being done that way, and the trade isiust buying what it needs. Unsold lumber on the docks is just about what it was two weeks ago.
Building permits lor Los Angeles for the first three weeks of the month were slightly above those for the same period of the ptrevious month, and shipments into
California Retail Lumbermen's Association Directors Meet at Santa Barbara
Appointment of an experienced retail lumberman as field tn"nag.t for the associatlon was recommended by a. special comm-ittee in their report to the meeting of the directors of the California Retall Lumbermen's Association, held at the M4rgaret Baylor Inn, Santa Barbara, August. 18.
On thE suggesiiott of Frank Burnaby {re presijlent..wal authorized to*lnvite the secretary of the Chicago Retailers' Association to attend the convention in November to explain in full the workings of the plan used by his organization.
The secretary, Mrs. J. E. Fraser' was authorized to attend the at nuai'conveniion of the National Retail Lumber Dealers' Association to be held at Chicago, October 24 to 26. and, also to attend the Con{erence of State Secretaries, to be held the day before the national convention.
Paul E. Overend, field representative for the association, presented the semi-annual ieport of the Insurance Service Department.
Th" follo*ing were present: Paul Hallingby, president; Frank Burnabyl Beverly Hills; Chas. Curran, tomona; Elmore King, Iiakersfieldi C -W.. Pinke-rton, Whlttiqt! F' bean Presiott, Fresno ; Earl White, Oakland; H. L' Wills, Gitioln: Verne Whitson, Santa Ana; F'rancis Boyd, Santa Eitbii"; O. W.Hamilton, San Diego-; P. M' P' Merner, Flo etto; H. A. Lake, Garden Grove; I. E. Neighbor, OakL"a; n. b. Wttit", Riverside-;- A. J. Stomer, Sawtelle; P. 6. O".t.tta, Field Man, and Mrs. J. E. Fraser, Secretary,
San Pedro for the same period were on a level with those of the preceding month.
In the national lumber situation, things are strong. Very strong. The Labor Day shutdown for the entire United States will cut a considerable figure, as the shutdown this year will be greater than usual at most mills. Northwestern mill stocks are low, yard stock orders from general territory have increased, lumber is hard to buy, and the chances are that the generalmarket will strengthen in the next month, as the farmers close their harvest season all over the country.
The reports of the National Lumber Manufacturers As. sociation show sales and shipments to be greater than production, so that the statistical situation grows stronger all the time.
San Francisco. Kenneth Smith, Secretary-Manager of .the Lumber Dealers' Association of Los Angeles, was also present.
Weyerhaeuser Ships Solid Trainload Of Package Lumber To One State
One of the greatest merchandising stunts ever pulled by a lumQer concern was put over on August llth at Spokane, Washington, when Weyerhaeuser shipped a solid trainload consisting of fifty-nine cars of their new package lumber. There was more than a million and a half feet of this new kind of lumber in the train, and it all went to a single state -North Dakota. This was one of the biggest lumber rail shipments in history, and by far the largest of its kind on record, and the largest shipment ever made to a single state.' It made a very impressive parade across the country, well bannered and placarded.

The essay contest whichthe San Diego Lumbermen's Service Bureau has been conducting for the past month, terminated July 3ist, and the prize winners will be announced and the prizes arvarded at a special dinner given for that purpose the night of Thursday, Irily 30th, according to Secretary Hamilton. The contest was to secure the best answers to the question: "Why is it more beneficial to the contractor or buyer for lumber and building materials to be sold on a one-price plan ?" and there are many cash prizes, the first being for $25. It was open to employees of members of the Bureau.
Morgan J. Doyle, of San Francisco, famous business attorney, will be the speaker of the evening.