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Vital Statistics of FHA Insurance
Home mortgages accepted for insurance by the Federal Housing Administration for the first six months ol 1937 numbered 59,306 for an amount of. $243,73I,316, as compared with 45,131 for $18O,583,400 for the first six months of 1936.
The distribution by states of the net cumulative total of mortgages accepted for insurance by FHA in its lifetime through June, 1937, is shown in the following table. It will be noted that California far outstrips all other states in the union for its number and volume of FHA mortgages:
Bassett-Teachout Company Are Fir Door Spccialists
The Bassett-Teachout Company, of Los Angeles, are Fir door specialists. They likewise are wholesale distributors of Fir Plywood and Wallboard, Fir panels, and Fir colurnns. Their offices and warehouse are located at 1600 East Washington Boulevard, where they carry a full stock of the above for quick wholesale delivery.
The company, which is a California corporation organized just last spring, is made up of men with lifelong experieuce in the docr business. David W. Teachout, President, is a member of the family that has owned and operated the Teachout Sash, Door & Glass Company, of Columbus and Detroit, for a great many years. He came to California, fell in love rvith the country, the climate, and the business prospects, and decided to move out and go in business here, which he promptly did.
James E. Bassett has been for thirty-four years VicePresident of The Paine Lumber Company, of Oshkosh, Wisconsin, door manufacturers of national note, and he likewise knows the California situation thoroughly. He rvas the man who, in L912, shipped an entire trainload of Birch veneered doors to Los Angeles. There were 25,000 doors in the train, which was well plastered with placards describing the notable event.
The third man in the company is Mr. Bassett's son, Thos. E. Bassett, who follows in his father's footsteps and likes the door business. They report business to be very good.
Hayward Yard At Bakersfield Burned
All the fire equipment in Bakersfield was called out on August 22 to combat a fire that entirely destroyed the big lumber yard of the Hayward Lumber & Investment Compann at that point. The total loss is estimated at $150,000. It will be rebuilt at once.