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Pool tVill Attend Floating Convention of Bruce Salesmen
F. W. Pool, representing E. L. Bruce Company, hardvvood flooring manufacturers of Memphis, Tennessee, in Arizona territory, left rvith Mrs. Pool for Chicago August 28 to join rvith 150 other Bruce representatives and officials on a "floating convention." The steamship North American has been chartered for the occasion and lvill leave Chicago orr Labor Day night for a tu'o-day and three-night cruise, traveling the length of Lake Michigan with a stopover at Mackinac Island.
In addition to the Bruce lnen over 300 representatives of the national Bruce Terminix organization and theirivives will be on board for their fourth annual convention. The 52 cornpanies making up this group are licensed by E. L. Bruce Company and comprise the world's largest termite control organization. After a brief joint session the groups will meet separately.
Encouraged by the sharp rise in building activity, Bruce officials are planning an aggressive advertising and sales campaign for the coming year. The outlook for the building industry is the most favorable in ;nany years.
Jamcs L. Hall returnecl recently to San F'rancisco from a month's tour of the Northrvest, in the course of which he called on Smith Wood-Products. Inc.. manufacturers of Port Orford Cedar, Coquille, Ore., Bloedel-Donovan Mills, Bellingham, and other mills rvhich his firm represents.
Mr. Hall, rvho rvas accompanied by Mrs. Hall and their 1-oungest son, motored by rvay of Spokane to Banff and Lake Louise and from there to Vancouver and Victoria, spending about two weeks in Canada. On the way south a circuit of the Olympic Peninsula r,vas made and two days rvere spent at Lake Quinault.
Wickersham In Arizona
W. B. Wickersham, of the Chas. R. McCormick Company, Los Angeles, has been on a trip through during the past couple of *'eeks, calling on the trade.