1 minute read

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In every community it's easy to find plenty of people who can be sold over-roofing and over-walling with Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles. It's a proved way, too, for a lumber retailer to build fall business.

Point out how easy it is to lay Certigrade Shingles right over old roofs and side walls without litter or bother. Stress the modest first cost, the added living comfort-the fuel saving. Tell how Certigrade Red Cedar Shingles resist wind, hail, even blizzards-add structural strength to a building. Then toss in Certigrade beauty and their natural insulation value. Clinch the sale with Certigrade durability, their extremely long life, and their outstanding economy.

FREE! The o'Certigrade Handbook"-a 96-page perm.anenl reference book of valuable roof and side-wall data. Write today. Red Cedar Shingle Bureau, Dept. CC-937, Seattle: Canadian office. Vancouver. B. C.


Ties - Fence Pocts - Shingles

Shaftes - Stakes - Piling - Poles - Anchots


Shingles - Transmission Poles - Stubs - Anchors

Fence Posts. Op"tt Tank Treated or (Jntreated


Lumber - Ties - Poles - Piling

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