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Rate---$z.sO Per Column Inch. Minimum Ad One-Half Inch.
Wanted To Buy
Retail lumber yard in or near Los Angeles-$4000 to $6O00 stock. Rent or might buy real estate and buildings. Replies will be confidential. AddressBox 781, Inglewood, Calif.
Retail Yards For Sale
Los Angeles yard doing $10,000 monthly bnrsiness. Real estate, buildings and all equipment $5,700. Stock at inventory.
Yard in active Coast city doing $10,00O a month, real estate leased. Improvements $6,O(X), including one owned lot, equipment $4,000, stock $8,000.
Both these yards are exceptionally good buys.
Twohy Lumber Co., Lumber Yard Brokers, 801 Petroleum Securities Bldg., Los Angeles. Telephone PRospect 8746.
For Sale Or Lease
Lumber yard site for sale or lease-in city which ran fourteenth in Southern California for July permits. 245 leet boulevard frontage-office building and salesroom-arnple shed spacHoncrete bearings, etc. To liquidate corporation will sell f.or l/3 value. Address Box C-681 California Lumber Merchant.
Representative Wanted
Want representative for Northern California territory for Fir Plywood and Fir Doors. Must have experience. Address Box C-685 California Lumber Merchant.
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Lumber yard, Building Materials and Hardware business, and Service Station for sale. Located in town of 1200 population, on the Main Highway, in San Diego county. Good farming district to draw from. This yard has always made a profit. Address Box C-680 California Lumber Merchant.
Young Lady Wants Position
Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper, capable of doing any office detail !\rork, and figuring estimates, desires position. Bay District or Peninsula preferred. Address Box C-684, California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced lumber salesman for retail yard near Los Angeles. Must be pleasant, aggressive, hard worker, familiar with estimating and general lumber practices. Good opportunity for right party. Answer in own hand writing, giving age, experience, etc. Address tsox C-682, California Lumber Merchant.
Suburban Yard For Sale
Small yard on main Boulevard. Good lumber, paint, builders' hardware sales. Fast growing community. Reasonable rent. TERMS. Splendid 2-man yard. Address Box-C-683, California Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
Retail lumber yard on main boulevard in East Bay district. $50Q0.00 will handle. Address Box C-676 California Lumber Merchant.
AccessibleNo Tough Hauling fo, Your Truck
The San Pedro wholesale yard of the San Pedro Lurnber Cornpany is on a main highway-no dangerous hauling or rough roads to boost your pickup costs. Tirne saved is rnoney in your pocket.
Dougles FirRedwoodPonderosa Pine - Spruce
Douglas Fir Plywoods
Cement-USG Plegter-USG Roclc Lath
15 lb. Felt -S K and SigalkraltBuilding Paper
RoofingBuilding McterialsInsulationNails
Wire [ProductsCorugated SheetsMetel Lath lB00-A Wilrnington Road, San Pedro, Calif.
Telephone, San Pedro 2200 Los Angeles Telephone, PRospect 4341