1 minute read
M. ADAMS Clrcuhdo Mele3cl
The Fever Subsides
The scramble to get Fir lumber in Southern California soon had its pain eased. Increasing production of the Northwest mills, 62 boats for transportation doing their level best to ,carry the stuff, and a lot of willing salesman in the field, combined to put the lumber market in the Southern district back to a fairly normal basis in a couple of weeks' time.
There is now a fair -supply of lumber at Los Angeles harbor, prices of Fir are holding firm, the shingle market is strong although the price has slipped a trifle off the scarcity peak, and altogether a very wholesome condition exists. Northern California never got the scarcity condition that prevailed in the South, so didn't have to do any unscrambling. There is even some complaint in Northern California right now on the volume.
The opinion is prevalent all over the State that the Northwestern mills will soon be giving this market its usual heavy load of stuff to be consumed.
Nationally speaking there is a better balance at present between production and sale of lumber than there has been in the past six weeks. The last reports of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association show that, for one week at least, production has caught up with sales and in some territories exceeded them. which is the first time this summer that has happened. The last week reported in full by the National shows production 2N million, shipments 218 mil,lion, and sales N7 million The week be- fore that production was 217 million, shipments 2N million, and sales 227 million The above figures are for both soft and hardwoods of the entire country.
The weakness in sales was in the hardwood department mostly, because the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, the Southern Pine Association, both reported new business greater than production. Western Pine sales fell below,production, but California Redhood sales stayed above production.
In the last week reported California Redwood and the Southern Pine Association showed sales still above production. So did Southern hardwoods. Western Pine reported sales below production. So did West Coast Lumbefmen's Association mills.
California Redwood cut 6,608,000 feet, shipped 6,416.000, and sold 7,433,00O feet.
West Coast Lumbermen's Association mills cut92,847,589 feet, shipped 88, 413,040 feet, and sold 87,125,D5.
Southern Pine Association mills cut 32,108,000 feet, shipped 34,451,000 feet, and sold 33,158,000 feet. Southern Hardwood mills cut 4,44O,m feet, shipped 5,118,000 feet, and sold 5,49O,000 feet.
Heodlines Disto*ed
While the lumber business continues to look good all over the country, big headlines in the newspapers the past
(Continued on Page 22)
Years of Experience Means What!
It means we hcrve lecrrred whct QUAUTY oI Hcrrdwood to furnish lor your pcrticulcr purpose. From complete stocks we c(m supply the mqtericrl best suited to your needs.