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Office and Ycd
8th and Townsend Streeta
MArLet 8448
Vacation News
Geo. B. McLeod, vice-president, Hammond Lumber Company, San Francisco, left on a vacation trip by automobile on August 18. He intended to drive to Missoula, Mont., and later to cross over to British Columbia and drive back to Vancouver, returning by way of Seattle and Portland.
Harry G. Hood of Dolbeer & Carson Lumber Company, San Francisco, is enjoying a vacation at his favorite fishing spots on the Klamath River. lle is accompanied by E. J. Stewart, superintendent of the Dolbeer & Carson mill at Eureka, who has been his angling companion on a number of occasions. They will be back on the job September 5.
C. I. Gilbert, head of Eureka Mill & Lumber Company, Oakland, left August 12 on an automobile vacation trip accompanied by Mrs. Gilbert and their son Robert. They expected to visit Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks, returning to California by way of Bryce Canyon and Salt Lake City. They will be gone two weeks.
Lloyd lIarris, Elliott Bay Sales Co., Oakland, with Mrs. Harris and their family, left September I on an automobile tour of the Northwest. They will visit points in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia, staying for some time at Port Alberni, B. C., and returning in about two weeks.
J. Z. (Joe) Todd, of the Western Door & Sash Co., Oakland, with his family recently enjoyed a vacation spent partly at Santa Barbara and partly at Lake Tahoe.
Don Coveney, salesman for Strable Hardwood Co,., Oakland, says he spent his vacation at a beautiful lake about 85 rniles southwest'of Sacramento. In other rvords Donwho is a tennis enthusiast, stayed close to home and played a lot of his favorite game. The lake, of course, is Oakland's Lake Merritt.
D. Normen Cords, Wendling-Nathan as usual, spent some of his vacation on the Russian River.
Co., San Francisco, time at his cottage
Carl R. Moore, Oakland lumberman, and general secretary of East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, recently devoted his time on a short vacation to showing visiting friends some of the scenic beauties of the San Francisco Bav district and Northern California.
Art Williamson, of California Builders' Supply Co., Oakland, chose Buck's Lake in the Feather River district for his trvo weeks' rest and relaxation this year.
(Continued on Page 19)