2 minute read
By Jack Dionne
You ccsr't sell whct you do not possess or contro} cnd belore you ccn SEII IDEAS, YOU MUST HA\TE TTIEM.
You must hqve the idecr ol your business before you ccn seU CONFIDENCE cnd TBUST.
You must have the ideq oI your customer's needs before you ccrn sell BUILDINGTHOUGITTS.
See your community-your town<s it would look il it were the most desirable town in the world.
See with your mind-see the streets well pcved cnd lighted. See comlortcble, crtistic, com. modious HOtyIES--and see enough oI them.
See pcrrks-cnrd lcwns-cnd churches.<nd schools-cnd see business houses thcrt re. flect the tcste and the prosperity ol your citizens.
See those buildings in good repcir<nd clecn--crnd pcrinted.
See thct town surrounded with lertile, productive lcrmE, ecrch with an AMPLE equipment ol buildings; ecrch with its IJVABLE lcrm house; eqch with its modenr b<rrn curd poultry house crnd silo cnd implement shed.
See your town cs it OUGIIT TO BE cnd then get busy cnd BRING THAT VISION TO PASS _MAIEBIAI.IZE THAT IDEA.
Get thct idea into your own mind so strongly that it becomes cbsolutely DOMINAM--<nd get it so linrrly rooted ihat it will grow crnd llourish cmd bear lruit in the IDEAS TIIAT YOU CAN SEII TO OTHERS-idecs ol BUILDING that will lorce them to come to you to BUY GOODS TO MATERIAUE TTIOSE IDEAS.
And it mclters not in what sort of cr community you live-yours is the duty of ncking thct community grow by selling to your lellow men the IDEA OF BIIIDING.
Get the ideq into your hecds first oI cll oI your own reql importcnce in lhe world--.qnd lrom thct will flow more thcrn you cqn use in your too short liletime.
You crre engcrged in the most wonderlul business-or prolession-in existence. You qre the most importcrnt man TO your community crnd it's your own lcrult if you cre not the most importcnt mcn IN it.
You allow your loccl paper to specrk oI your bcnker cnd your lcrwyer cmd your doctor crs your "lecrding citizens." Shcme on you.
When you meet your bcnker-emile. lt's proper to smile ct your bqnker, but iust think of yoursell: 'TIe only handles money. He only works with whct other people hqve saved. He merely shilts the use oI thct stull lrom one mcn to another lor cr lee. His business depends on there being cr community there."
When you meet your l<rwyes-snrils; he mcrybe iudge some dcry. But reflect that he does nothing crecttive; he eqms his living by settling troubles-by rnerely bringing things bcrck to where they were before; and his business depends on there being cr community.
When you meet your doctor-smile; you may hcrve to call him in some dcy. But remember thct except when he cssists the stork he does nothing to mcke the town GROW, crnd when he is on other iobs he mcy be even DECREASING THE POPIIIATION; cnrd his business depends on there being c communily.
And yet those men crre held by your fellow townslolk qs "our lecding citizen"" forsooth simply becquse you never gqve qnyone atry recson lor thinking dillerently.
And YOU-you modern merchcrnts ol building mcrtericrl-you prolessioncl construction cruthorities-you men here todcy-YOu ARE THE I"EADING CffIZENS OF YOIrn TOWNS-potenticrlly now, cmd crctuclly the moment you GET TIIE RIGHT IDEA OF YOttR POSITION, YOUR POWERS AIID YOI'R NESPONSIBIIJTIES.