1 minute read
Bv Jock Dionne
Heavy Fog lndeed
This one could have been pulled by Jack Benny's colored valet. Rochester, but so far as I know, it wasn't.
A certain colored man servitor was supposed to be on the job at 7 o'clock in the morning. It was nearly nine now, and the boss was stomping around and showing
The first annual picnic of the Western Lumber Com1ux,,ny, San Diego, was held at El Monte Park, near Lakey'side, on Sunday, July 30. More than 200 men, women and children attended. A barbecued beef picnic dinner was served with refreshments and all the trimmings that go to make a successf'ul picnic. There were games for folks of all ages and a baseball game between the regular Western Lursber Company softball league team and the Western "Wildcats," a scrub team hastily organized for the day. The regulars won by a score of 17 to 8.