1 minute read
Rod Mulholland Attends / National Air Races
Rod Mulholland of the California Panel & Veneer Company, Los Angeles, has returned fromthe National Air Races at Cleveland, Ohio. He had the pleasure of flying to Cleveland in a Bach tri-motored plane (which are built of plywood) with Waldo Waterman, who recently established a world's altitude record for tri-motored planes carrying a pay load, this was done in a Bach plane.
Pickering Exhibits ^t state Fair
Pickering Lumber Companv had an attractive exhibit of California White and Sugar Pine Lumber at the California State Fair, Sacramento, September 2 to 9. Wide Finish up to 45 inches and Sugar Pine doors rvere featured.
L. A. Sheathing Ordinance Defeated
The proposed ordinance requiring wooden sheathing for all stucco building, which has been up for discussion for several months and which was recomrhended for passage by the Los Angeles City Council Committee on Building, was defeated by the City Council by a vote of nine to four, August 28, 1929.
Returns From Vacation
Mel Sinclair, manager of Wood Bros. Co., Santa Cruz, has returned from his vacation.