1 minute read
Tlte Los Angclcs LONG-BELL DOOR -for California
Designed by Californians for California a Long-Bell door worthy of a place in any California home, large or small. From timber grown high up on the slopes of Mount Shasta it comes to serve in a useful way many thousands of home builders. It has these important advantages: l. 3-ply veneered panel. not warp. paint, enamel and perf ectly.
2. Veneered Stiles (builtup cores) , 5f rn. wide.
3. Top Rail, 5/t in. wide.
4. Bottom Rail, l ls/a in. wide.
Square stuck with corners and edges rounded. Waterproof glue. Hardrvood dor,vels.
Takes stains 10.
Costs less to fit, mortise andhang than doors of other woods.
Pledged to good service.
A door to be welcomed widely a door to be sold widely . a door, because of its advantages, readily recognized, to be sold profitably!