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Abbeys Regtster and Tear Book
TYestern Lurnber Industry 1929 Edttton Now Ready
-_- A^minute_ud accqrltg guide to all branc.h* of tlhe Lmbs Industry ol Wash_ingtm, Oregon, Califm'a, Idaho, Motuq Colorado, Nevada, Ariz6ru, N-ew- Mexico, South Dakota, Utah, Wyoming, Alaska, nriiist Cotunbia, the Philippires md Hawaii.
In -petsmnel, hlmtion given ircludea president, Manga, Superin- t-ndent, Sd6 Mmager, Purchroing Agent and Macter'M6ha;ic; A'Cm- pletelist of m-rchinery_ ard equipment, daily epacity, spcies of wod ewed, etc., enable ttre Seller to '\t Industry to select Sale prcpecte ..d Lumber Buy*s to plae orders ud inquiriei intelligotly.
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Order thic valuable refererce book-today._-:H% of tie frru ln tle pre_ vious editim elininated uil 3BVo new firmc -added:.- -
510-51{x7ll Pagee . . Price $2.S0
Publiehcd by The Industrlal Servlce Co.
Sherlock Bldg., Portland, Ore.