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A. B. McGaffey Killed in T, A. T. Crash
Amasa B. McGaffey, prominent lumberman of Albuquerque, New Mexico, was among the eight passengers killed on September ! when the Transcontinental Air Transport liner City_of San Francisco crashed against Mt. Taylor, south of Grant, New Mexico. Mr. McGaffey was. on hi. ygy froq Albuquerque to Los Angeles to join a party on a fishing trip.
He was born at St. Johnsburg, Vermont, and came to New Mexico in 1886. -He was -the founder of the A. B. McGaffey_Co. which operates a plant at McGaffey, N; Mexico. The place in ivhich the -ship crashed was in the immediate vicinityof extensive timber holdings which he solo only a tew weeks. ago.
a large part of his time in Los Ange_ l9s. Mr. McGaffey is survived by hiswidow and fJur children. The children are Fferberf and Neill of Albuq,re;_ qu.e; Donald of Los-Angeles, and Mrs. M"ry K;1-h;;i". Miller of .Los Angeles. -For--"ny years Mi. McGaffev rvas p_r_omlnent in the business, social and political life of New Mexico.