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Abbey's Lumber Buyer's Charts for 1929 Off Press

Six hundred and fifty major sawmills in the western states of Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana and British Columbia are charted in detail, the various kinds of stock and species of each procurable, in the new Abbey's Lumber Buyers' Charts just off the press.

The charts are ruled sheets Llx22, with 82 lines for names of mills and 59 vertical columns to show the various iterns of stock on West Coast list and indicating species of wood the mill can furnish

The charts indicate the name and location of mills, sales manager and sales office. Shipping facilities; rail, cargo, deep water docks; by lighterage or short rail haul. Capacity of mill, if equipped with planer, dry kilns, largest timber that mill can saw and surface. Species of wood that a mill saws and the percent of each.

Following the above information are 50 columns which disclose at a glance the items the mills can supply and the species of wood they can furnish.

Other specialties shown in the charts are re-manufacturing and milling in transit plants, tapering detailed grooved joined stock, battery board shop byrkit lath, casket box shooks, curtain pole squares, egg cases, frames, window, door, etc., frames, timbers, ends mortised, handles, broom, mop, etc.

Change Of Address

The Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, Bellingham, Wash., and Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, Ltd., Vancouver, B. C., announce that the office of .the president, J. H. Bloedel, the Northwest district sales office of the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, the box sales department of the Bloedel Donovan Lumber Mills, and the shingles sales department of Bloedel, Stewart & Welch, Ltd., will be loiated at Suite 1518-1522, l4ll Fourth Avenue, Seattle.

Wants to Lease Lumber Yard

Lumber yard, very desirable location in Los Angeles County, facing Alameda Boulevard. Yard is equipped with racks and storage shed. Modern mill in connection with yard. Fred J. Theriot, Firestone Park State Bank, Southgate, California.

Termite Investigation Committee Meetings

The Termite Investigation Committee recently held a series of open meetings in Southern California. A dinner meting was held in Los Angeles Sept. 10, a luncheon at Long Beach Sept. 11, and a luncheon and dinner meeting at Pasadena Sept. 12. The luncheon at Pasadena rvas for committee members .only. A similar series of meetings rvere also held at Berkeley. The main speakers of these meetings were Dr. T. E. Snyder, entomologist of the United States department of agriculture, Washington, D. C., and Dr. Alfred Emmerson of the Department of Zoology, University of Chicago, who addressed the meetings, using lantern slides.


A. C. Horner, manager of the Western division of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, attended the eighth annual meeting of the Pacific Coast Building Officials' Conference, held at Portland, September 3, 4 and 5.

New Manager At Hamilton City

L. L. Heywood, of Weed, Cal., has been appointed manager of the Hamilton City yard of The Diamond Match Companv. '


C. D. LeMaster, secretary of the Sacramento Valley Lumbermen's Club, is nou'able to be back at his office after an illness lasting nearly three months, due to blood poisoning believed to be caused by a splinter which entered his finger.


The Lystul-Lawson Lumber Ore., was destroyed by fire on estimated at $110,000. The mill eled and had a daily capacity of was carried.


Co.'s sawmill at Glendale, September 4, with a loss had been recently remod50,000 feet. No insurance

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