2 minute read
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For High Early Strength Concrete
. . . When your customer hos q drivewoy ' to pove in o hurry-
. . . Or o concrete iob in o plont where production must go right onOr ony iob where time is crowding him, recommend -
High Earty Strength Cement
Poths ond drivewoys poved wifhVEIO wilf stond troffic within 24 hours.In building construction, forms con be stripped within 24 to 48 hours, while mochine foundotions, floors, looding plotforms ond similor work con be used ofter o 24 hour set.
VetO conforms to olt the specificqtions for stqndord Portlqnd cement. tn oddition, it is highly plostic ond produces o dense,wotertight concrete. For oll-oround quolity plus emergency service . deqlers should stock ond recommend VE[O Cementl
Vagabond Editoriafs
Bv Jock Dionne
"Intelligence, patriotism, Christianity, and a firm reliance on Him who has never yet forsaken this favored land, are still competent to adjust, in the best way, all our present diffi culties."-Abraham Lincoln.
we've been readin* . ,1. ;;" past month about Macaulay, an English writer of several generations back. To me the most notable thing about that gentleman was what one of his close friends of that time said about him. .,I only wish," he remarked, "that I were as sure of ANyTHING as Macaulay is of EVERYTHING." We're not without our Macaulays in these days, either.
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We are going to havc to do something about these prizefight radio announcers. 'You listen to their blow-by-blow descriptions of the bout and are firmly convinced that never before in history has such terrific havoc been wrought by human fists, and wonder where on earth the battlers get the superhuman stamina to take it. And then you see the pictures of the same fight, and you wonder whether the announcer snuffs that stuff or squirts it in his arm just before the bout starts.
President Roosevelt aiked the last Congress to give him six assistants with a "passion for anonymity." What we need in this country is a few radio announcers with that same human trait. We get too much of the announcer and too little fact in the announcing to suit most of us.
The United States bought in the markets of the world $144,819,000 more goods than it sold in those same markets during the first seven months of this present year, according to the Commerce Department. The first trade loss in fifty years looms for 1937. Newspapers report that a line of steamers will immediately begin bringing in solid ship loads of Argentine corn to the lVest Coast. That will help unbalance the trade sheet. More crop control, more Argentine corn. Until our crop control can reach other producing nations, it will be that way.
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Among the prdducts showing increase in imports are listed edible animal products, inedible vegetable products, vegetable food products, textiles, wood and paper products.
Manufacturers of the Southern States are losing no time in preparing to renew their defense against governmental regulation of wages, hours, and trade practices in industry.
(Continued on Page 8)