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This rnatk trreans that.the lumber which bears it has been pressure-treated with Wolman Saltsx, specific protection against termites and decay. Wolmanized Lumber is both safe and easy to handle. It is clean and odorless, will not corrode metal. It can be nailed, painted, stained like ordinary lumber.

^q The mark also means lhat yout ptofit is le protected. Wolmanized Lumber is sold only v through accepted trade channels. It is stocked by leading producers, so you can get it promptly in straight or mixed carloads. Your own lumber can be Wolmanized at conveniently located plants, en route to you.

rq It means firote business. You can interest t:f prospective customers with the story of rev liable protection at reasonable cost. Because Wolmanized Lumber need be used only for sills, joists, subflooring and other exposed locations, it adds only about l/6 to the cost of the ordinary home. It's a specialty that helps make sales.

We will be glad to send you more detailed informatiON. Writc tO AMERICAN LUMBER & TREATING COMPANY, 1405 Old ColonyBuilding, Chicago.

Las An{eles: 1O31 South Broadway, Ptosltect 5558 San Francisco: 116 New Montpornery Sfreef,, Suttet 1225 *Registsed Trade-Mark look Cesrs tr.d Blns .nd ||undn6 of othlr ltrms I For wainecotinq-Weather-wood Hardboa-rd comple- uents US G Weatberwolod* ELENDTEX In gulatia g PIank and Tile.

I Here's an exka gourcE of revenue that Ior steady "repeat-sale" profits is hard to beat-the stores, ahopr, and manufacturerg il(ht in 5rout tetritoty want the excluaive leatures lound only in attractive USG Weathetwoo& Hardboard.

SELLIIIG FEAIURES THAT BRIIIO CUST0iIERS BACK t(lR il(lnE ! Both gurlacee gmooth aod deaseeach witb a alightly dilfereat shade of the ga-e rich, mottled color, providing a textured-finish eflect. Each gurlace may be painted, lacquered or eaameled, as deeired. Can be uailed, glued, cut, sawed, milled, planed, sanded, die-cut or punched. Weatherwood Hardboard comea in two types-the truE Hardboard, and the semi-hard Structoboard, lesa compressed but having great rigidity. Both have tbe two smooth surlaces and all other features described above. We also lurnieh all types of keated Hardboard, including treated tilewith smoothlace and gcreen back.

Slcrl Mqldng We-rtrerwood Hcdbocd Proflts NOWI Send for Scmples cnd Full lalormc[on. r R.gl.t bdTrrd€-Dert

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