3 minute read
Tried Both
The farmer's truck showed up with a flat tire just as he was passing the insane asylum grounds. He got down, got out his jack and tools, and proceeded to change tires. Soon several of the inmates of the asylum had gathered at the other side of the high wire fence, watching his efforts with much interest. F'inally one of them said: been in an insane asythe fence.
"I used to be a farmer."
"That so?" grunted the laboring farmer.
"Yep," said the nut.
A few moments later: "You ever lum?" asked the same fellow inside "Nope," replied the farmer.
The one inside turned to go.
"It beats farming," he said, as he walked off.
U. S. Court in Kentucky Voids Redwood Tanki are Found Bullet-Proof Capital Stock Tax
The United States District Court of Western Kentucky rendered a recent decision in the case of Oertel vs. Glenn which might indicate that the section of the Revenue Act of 1933 imposing a Capital Stock Tax, may be void because of uncertainty. The Court held that if the Act contemplates a purely arbitrary declaration of the capital stock of a corporation without a definite basis of such valuation. the Act is void because of uncertainty. The case goes to the United States Circuit Court of Appeals.
Building New Plant
Moore & Garlick are building a new mill at their site in Sacramento. The ground has already been leveled off for the laying of a concrete floor which will cover an area of 160 square feet. Their old plant was recently destroyed by fire.
California Redwood Association engineers were preparing to adopt "bullet proof" as a new reason for using redwood following specifications of the Los Angeles Fire Commission for 104 new water storage tanks in the hills back of Los Angeles.
Said the Fire Commission, "Redwood tanks are better than those made of steel for installation in mountainous areas because they suffer no ill results from the bullets of careless nimrods and willful trespassers. Redwood is self-healing and steel isn't."
There is nothing more embarrassing to a fire fighter than an empty water storage tank resulting from numerous punctures by practicing marksmen. Fire wardens have long been vexed by the problem, but all is well now that they know the Redrvood tanks will heal their own wounds and the water, so precious during fire season, will be there when needed.
One hundred of the tanks will be of 1,000 gallon and four of 5,000 gallon capacity.
We Treat Job Hunters Like Prospective Advertisers
Every week day u'eary men walk in and out of the office of THE CALIITORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT-job hunting. And there is one rule in the CLM office from which there is no deviation-that is-treat a man hu,nting a job as well as if he were buying advertising. No matter how busy the day may be-that rule goes. The time a man needs courtesy and friendly treatment is when he is hunting work; for hunting work is the most depressing of all occupations. .We can't alrvays find them jobs; but we can always find them a chair; and -we always TRY to find them leads to follow in their job hunting. The best friends the CLM has made in its more than 15 years in California are the mcn we have helped find jobs. And you, Mr. Lumberman, when you need a man, phone- The California L,umber Merchant, VAndyke 4565, Los Angeles, and help us find jobs for worthy men.
Iowa College Devises New Type Barn Roof
Prof. Henry Giese has been conducting extensive experirnents on farm barn building at Iowa State College, Ames, Iowa, and thinks he has devised something new and valuable. It is a trussed rafter, gambrel type of barn roof construction, which they believe will make an outstanding contribution to the reduction of the cost of farm buildings, and likewise to strengthen them against severe storms. The new type is economical, simple, easy to erect, and holds up under heavy wind and snow.
On Eastern Trip Via Panama Canal
Bill Hamilton, Holmes Eureka Lumber Co., Los Angeles, with Mrs. Hamilton and their two daughters, are en route to New York by way of the Panama Canal. They shipped their automobile on the boa-t and on the return trip rvill drive across the country, going by way of Mr. Flamilton's old home town, Fond du Lac, Wisconsin. They will return to Los Angeles the latter part of September.
Wholesale to Lumber Yards
S[$H, ll|l|lR$ and PAllEt$ Complete
California Pines
Saaight or mixed cars of lumber and ptywood products manufactured at one point.
In Los Angeles, L. C. L. Wholesale Warehouse Seruice
Saler O6ce: 715 Vertern Pacific Bldg.' 1O31 So. Broadway \Farehoure: L. C. L. Wholeaale, 7O2 E. Slauron Ave.
Saler OGce: 315 Moaadnock Building