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Any Kind of Climate You \(/ant
(The recent discussion of California's varied climatic offerings in "Vagabond Editorials" in The California Lumber Merchant, brought from one of our readers a clipping from the San Francisco Call dated many years ago. It is an editorial written by the late Fremont Older, famous San Francisco journalist, discussing the wide variety of climate to be found in California. It follorvs in full:)
Most Eastern people speak of "the California climate" as if rve had the same kind of temperature in all parts of the state. In the East friends that have never been here invariably say, "I understand you have a wonderful climate out there," meaning, of course, that the rveather is equally balmy and sunny in all parts of the state. Visitors coming to San Francisco for the first time bring their summer clothes and frequently go about i,n their light raiment shivering in our fogs and winds, and more than insinuate that we are the greatest liars on earth. t
The Taylor Instrument Company, located at Rochester, New York, some time ago issued a statement that Californians in boasting about their climate give an entirely wrong impression of California weather. The California weather bureau, the statement says, shows a greater assortment of 'climate than any other state in the Union, and more contrast. Those official reports prove that California can delight an Eskimo or soothe a savage from darkest Africa.
The hottest temperature ever recorded in the s'orld rvas in Death Valley, July 10, 1913, when the mercury rose to 134 degrees in the shade. Bodie, in Mono County, holds the California recorcl for the other extreme, with 36 degrees below zero.
While many parts of the state have never seen snow, Alpine County had a fall of.73 f.eet in the rvinter of.19A647.
Del Norte County registered 153.5-+ inches of rainfall in a single year, and l-ake County had 71.5'l inches fall in a single month. In San lJemardino County it once rained 16.17 inches in a single day. In the same county there is a section where not a. drop of rain has fatlen for more than two years.
Point Reyes, on the sea coast, has the coolest sumrner in Americq, with a mean ternperature of 54 degrees. In some sections of the state, high in the mountaius, frost can be found every month in the year. Other sections never have frost and no extreme of heat, and vegetables, berries and fruit are harvested every day in the year.
San Francisco has one of the most equable climates in the world, the annual mean for forty 1'ears being 56 degrees. September, the warmest month, has a nlearl or average temperature of 59.1 degrees, rvhile the coldest month, January, shows a mean ol 49.6 degrees. Because San Francisco is never too hot and never too cold, manufacturers and other employers of labor say the San Francisco Bay district is the n.rost efficient rvorking place known.
In the latter part of Septernber I have sr'velterecl in Placerville, with the rnercury at 92, and in trvo hours I was shivering on the edge of Echo Lake. The wind cut like a knife, and rvhen it moderatecl slightly snow began to fall. I have driven through balmy, srlnny Auburn on the first of June and in two hours I was in a blinding sno\\r storm, and when I reached Tahoe there rvas six inches of snorv on the ground.
When strangers ask us about California climate, wc should reply : "What kind of climate do you r,'i.ant ?"
Comparison of Advanced Building Costs in Seatde and Los Angeles
The Construction h.rclttstries Coutulittee of the Los Angeles Chamber of Conrtnerce has released trvo interesting studies of increased building costs tluring the past 1'ear. One is a breakd<lu'n of Jttue, 1937, costs on a t-vpical residence in Los Angeles, rvith comparative figures for Jrrll-. 1936. The second is a sirnilar study of a sntall residerrce in Seattle.
In Los Angeles plumbing costs have jumped 4O per cent, in Seattle ?3 per cent. Plastering has jumped 30 per cent in Los Angeles, and 64 per cent in Seattle. Concrete is up 23 per cent in Seattle, 19 per cent in I-os r\ngeles. Lumber and shingles are up l0 per cetrt in Los Angeles, 9 per cent in Seattle. Sheet n.retal has aclvanced 100 per cent in year in Seattle.
Rollins Brown Recovering From Injury Of Year Ago
Ilollins A. Brown, rvell known lumber and flooring salesman of Los Angeles, is slowly recovering from the effects of an injury to his shoulder received in a street car accident. Mr. Brorvn, a one-legged tnan, had his shoulder so badly hurt he could not use his crutches to rvalk u'ith, so has been confined to his horne for a year. He reports that he is slowly rvorking back to health. His address is 831 So. Curson Ave. I{e has been in the lumber busirress fiftr' years.
Panels Veneers Oak
rcrior finlsh that not only dccotates, but inaulat€s and qul€ts sound-all at ona low coat. Morc than that, you scll an Inaulatlng intcrlor 6nlsh answerlng thc d€mand for rich, blcnded thadea ofittcCtal colora and ncw, iotercatIni texturc, And lok at thc Mark€t! New gnd old homcs, achoola, churchca, th;atre6, audltorlums, rcatauranta, atorea and offices are all prospects. THESE SLINDTEX ADYAN'AO:S
Iuild Sates
l. Blcndcd shadcg of harmonioue colors comblne wlth a ncw, Interesting iexture to add charm and dlgnity to the interior.
2. tmprovcs acougtlcs and quiets lound-at the samc tlme lnaulatcE against heat and cold,
3. Durablc-Speclal tteatment of surface lncrcaaea resistance to weathetpe Dregerve and proloDg the rlchness and freghncse ofcolora and texturc.
4. tntcgral colors go clcar through the matcrlal-not merclv a surfacc application.
5. Ptcdecorated surfacc gavea both tlme and cost ofpalnting.
6. Adaptabtllty-thcwldevedcty ofshapes and elzee giv€a unlimitcd scope to exprcsalon oflndlvldual taste In deeign.
7. Qulckty, easily applled to both n€w and old walla and ccilings-gocs tight ovcr old walle.
8. Economlcal - a popular - priccd material. With all its advantages' BLENDTEX coata no morc than ordinary insulating tlle and plank.
'\Iteatherwood BLENDTEX lnsulatlng Tltc and PlanL.
\ reatb€rwood IVORY lnsulatlng Tile and Plank.
'Weatherwood (Texturcd) HARDBOARD-uacd aa wainscoting. rRlgi.btud Tr.ds-orrt
All San Francisco is rejoicing in the restoration o,f its famous Cliff House by George K. and Leo C. Whitney, rvhose beach concessions add to the fame of the citv bv the Golclen Gate.
In restoring the famous resort the Whitney Brothers selected the California Redwood motif as most suitable to lend color to the famous Marine dining room. The spacious bar and lonnge rooms are rustic havens, with an elaborate use of curly redlvood. redlvood burl and random rvith sapwood paneling.
The walls and ceilings are of randorn width rvith the natural sapwood lending a gay effect to the distinction of the 6x8 split curly redrvood bearns ancl rafters. \\'ide oak flooring lends itself u-ell to the rustic motif.
The top of the bar is of re<lrvood burl and the front of curly redwood. The back bar boasts murals carved in coral mirrors, depicting scenes o{ the Redwoods and California parks. Betlveen the bar room and cocktail lounge is a large arched entrance paneled rvith specially designed sandblasted redwood.
The first Cliff House was built in 1858 and destroyed by fire many years later. The more famous chateau-like Cliff House built bv Adolph Sutro was also destroyed by fire in I9O7 and replaced by the present building, which had been in disuse since 1921. M/hitney Brothers have made a serious attempt to recapture the grandeur which once made the Cliff House rvorld-famed. Fa-