2 minute read
Famous Cliff House at San Francisco Restorcd
LEFT-Bor room oI Sqn Frcrncisco's Icmoue CIiII House, recenlly restored by Whitney Brothers in redwood pcneling, timbers cnd redwood burl. Etched corcrl mirrors depict redwood acenes in cr frcrme ol simutcrted redwood tree trunks. The timberingr is all oI 6x8 split curly redwood qnd the wall pcrnels oI rondom width sopwood.
BELOW-Lounge room ol recentlY reslored Clill House ol Scn Francis' co, showing splendid excmple ol Cclilornicr Redwood pcrneling ond timbering. The timbers cre oI 6x8 curly redwood split to order <rnd the wcll pcrnels oI random width sttPwood. Sandblcsted redwood lorest scenes cdd to ihe rustic ellect oI the room.
tnous relics har-e lieen replaced ; the Nlarine clinir.rg room is attracting capacity crolvds coming to enjoy the unsurpassed ocean vie*' and unexcelled cuisine; and the combinations of Redrvood interior construction adcl greatly' to the natural beauty of the restoration.
In addition, Whitney llrothers have taken a contra-ct rvith the Stump Ifouse of Eureka to supply visitors lvith the widely knorvn rcdu'oocl brrrl novelties. All of the burl in the Cliff House rvas suppliecl by thc Stump llouse and the Redrvood lumber by merrrber mills of the California Reclrvood association.
First Hoo-Hoo Dinner Septemb et 20
Carl R. Moore, secretary, East Bay Hoo-Hoo Club, announces that he expects a big crowd for the first Hoo-FIoo Club dinner meeting of the new season to hear Hal Burdick, well known Night Editor of NBC. The meeting will be held at the Athens Athletic Club, Oakland, Monday evening, September 20.
The new officers rvill be elected and installed at this meeting.
Tlre door prize ol $15.00 must be won, as it is not allowed to go higher than this amount.
Back From European Tour
Roy E. Hills, of Wendling-Nathan Company, San Francisco, lvho has been on a European trip with Mrs. Hills and their son, returned to San Francisco August 28.
NIr. Hills reports having had a most enjoyable time. They were gone just three months, haivng left San Francisco on May D. They sailed on ttre Vulcania from Boston and landed at Naples after making a number of interesting stops on the way. Trvo months were spent in touring Italy, Austria, Germany, France, Belgium, Holland, England and Scotland. Good weather rvas experienced practically all the time they rvere abroad. They rented a car in London and visited many famous and historical places in 61sa1 Rritain, and sailed for New York from Southampton on the French liner Ile de France.
937,, Most tconomical
Snider Shingleg trre the finest money can buy.
Snider Shingles qre expertly manulqctured ol high dltitude Red Cedcrr.
Snider Shingles' close, even grcin gucrcntees c permcnent roolfree lrom repoirs.
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Alvin N, Lolgren
2l0l Ccl. St.
Fillnore 6178
Scn Frcacisco, Ccl.
Willred T. Cooper 7I4 W. Olynpic Blvd. PBogpect 188{ Los Angeleg, Ccl.
Snider Shingles cre ottracliveeasy to sell.
Snider Shingles dre unilormecsy cnd inexpensive to lcy.
Snider Shingles come in all sizes cnd grctdes. Also Nu Cut shckes.