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"$ute, They

The quality of TRU-BILT insures re-orders because your customers can cut costs with this better material. TRU-BILT Plywood Products are strong, rigid, crack-proof, beautiful and T-square.

Consab out local sales represeatoth'e for particulars

H. BRUCE VISCOMB' Sales Mgr.,16o4 Conway Bldg. Chicago

THOMAS P. BONNER, P. O. Box 15, Lake Street Station, Minneapolis, Minn.

WILLARD H. PANGBORN, 891 Medford Road, Cleveland Heights, Ohio.

DoN R. MITCHELL, 9r1 S. Ball St., Owosso, Michigan.

JAMES P. SKELLY,2(X) Broadway, New York City.

JACK T. STUART, Quitman' Miss.

R. W. DALTON, 315 W. Ninth St., Loc Angeleo, Calif.

HAROLD NELSON, 2O1 Graphic Arts Bldg., Kansas City, Mo.

FRANK B. COLE, 6214 Gaston Avenue, Dallas, Texas.

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