1 minute read
If Your Dollars Hear the Call
Theg Will Seek Inuestment In Aduertised Goods
Your dollars deserve a square deal, Mr. Retailer. them at a disadvantage by careless buying.
Don't waste them, or place
Don't order your lumber and other building material from folks who fail to put the power of advertising behind their product, and then complain if the worth of the goods does not match the value of your dollars.
'When a concern calls for your dollars by advertising its wares in the public prints, you are bound to get full value for your money-your dollars will have a square deal.
KRANTZ, MamBinB Editor
A. M. THACKABERRY. Clrculation Manager
A. C. MERRYMAN, Advertlring
J. E, MARTIN, Mgr. San Francisco Office