1 minute read
Mr. Rctriler:
' Sbrt that advertiring!
Start your fall dory to tte buitdhg thinking public of YOUR tortn and terdtory.
You want tbc public to heve confidcnce in yor+ and in your burinclt dontt you?
You want all the folkr in your dirtrict who are intcrcdcd in building' repairing or painting, to know of your atrility to rcrye them, dontt you?
You appreciatc thc value of having people think of YOU whcncvcr thcy think of YOUR line of buriner, don't you?
Are your GOODS right?
TeIl thc public ro.
Ir your SERVICE excellent?
Tell the public ro.
Are there particular wayr in which you arc cquipped to offer buitding and repairing ADVICE ar a building SPECIALISiT to your townr-pcoplc, right now?
TeIl the public ro.
Advertire to rell your goo&.
Advertirc to kecp in the public eye.
Advertirc to hold the public confidence.
Remembcr that advertiring tbrorw thc rearchligbt of publicity upon your buriner, and inrpirer confidence. It'r the birdr that f,y in the derknerr that folkr are rurpiciour of ; not thore rhat riog in thc runlight on your front porch.
Keep your buriner in thc rulight.
Keep the public advired of wbat YOU mcan to THEIV!.
. Remember ttat every man ir intercrted primarily in hb OIVN tffrirrt and th:t the prcper way for you to demand a rbare of that interert, ir to appeal to HIS r.If interert, through YOUR ability to rcwe iL
Get the otF-cr fellon/r view point. Figurc out what YOU can do for HIS benefit. Approach him from ttre view point of HIS necdr, and not rimply beause of YOUR derire to rell.